9-1-1 Season 4 Episode 11 Review: First Responders

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An awful lot was going on during that hour, yet it somehow went by in a blur.

There weren't multiple emergencies; instead, one major crisis and case being worked by the cops on 9-1-1 Season 4 Episode 11, as Sue got hit by a car after she tried to step in and stop a crime in progress.

That single event set off a series of actions that eventually led to the capture of a serial kidnapper.

The Whole Team - 9-1-1 Season 4 Episode 11

911 always does the multiple cases of the week well. But there’s something about the more finely tuned episodes centered around one or two stories that stand out more in the long run.

It wasn’t clear at first that Sue’s attempted murder and the missing case Athena was working on would intersect, but it was an exciting reveal in the end.

Sue has been a background player for a while now. Someone we see and hear from often, but not necessarily someone we know that well. She’s well-respected by Maddie and Josh, who look to her as a motherly figure at work, but we haven’t gotten to know her much beyond that.

And it’s not like we walk away from this installment learning a lot more, but we do know that whether she’s on the clock or off, she will help someone in need. No matter the consequence.

Hit-and-Run - 9-1-1

We got a mini Josh Begins, as we flashbacked to a time when Justin Timberlake was still making music, and Josh was freelancing as a stenographer (which is a real thing, guys!) Sue helped save his life, and it’s crazy to think that was the event that brought Josh to the call center.

To us, he’s always been Maddie’s mentor/buddy. A friend and confidant to her, and someone who is incredibly skilled at his job. Now we know that if it weren’t for Sue, he might never have even gotten into that profession in the first place.

While Sue was fighting for her life, Athena dealt with a missing person’s case that was on nobody’s radar.

The conversation between Athena and Hen about the reality of missing person cases involving black people, women imparticular, being swept under the rug was about as real as this show gets. It’s just a fact that those cases do not garner the same media attention.

Buck In Charge - 9-1-1 Season 4 Episode 11

It’s a sad reality that not only does law enforcement fall short here, but the media as well.

But luckily, Athena got the call that set her on a path to finding Tracie.

Buck unknowingly helped in his own way by taking Sue’s hit and run to Taylor, who got it the media coverage it needed. Without that coverage, it would probably take Athena a lot longer to place the vehicle from Tracie’s kidnapping to the hit and run.

And in that scenario, Tracie probably doesn’t make it.

Chim & Hen Help - 9-1-1 Season 4 Episode 11

The whole rescue scene was intense, and it was kind of scary for a bit, knowing the kidnapper was waltzing around with a gun, the police were having supreme difficulties finding him, and the 118 were completely unprotected.

It took Josh having his Matrix moment and seeing everything a bit slowed down and in sequence for him to figure out the right course of action. He had to be the eyes of the police, and he did so bravely and flawlessly.

Sue has taught him well over the years, and considering how his faith was shaken throughout the hour, it was nice to see everything click for him. He let his training kick in, and he helped keep a lot of people safe.

In the end, it took everyone from Josh to Athena, Buck, the 118, and even Taylor to help save Tracie and bring the kidnapper and attempted murderer to justice.

Grabbing Reinforcements - 9-1-1 Season 4 Episode 11

With so much going on, there wasn’t much room for additional storylines—especially those of the personal variety. But there was the sub-plot of May wanting to move out, which continued the season-long dive into the Athena and May dynamic.

Mother and daughter have had many ups and downs, and as of late, it’s seemed a bit more down than up, but they’re getting to a much better place. And they’re both trying, which is so, so important.

Athena has always wanted to protect May because that’s her job as a mother. You love your kids, support your kids, and do everything within your power to keep them safe. That’s the name of the game.

And seeing what Athena sees daily has made her a tough mom, and while there’s nothing wrong with that, it’s important to remember that at some point, your kids aren’t kids anymore. Your first instinct will always be to shield them from pain, but you also have to let them make their own choices and make their own mistakes.

Caught Off Guard - 9-1-1 Season 4 Episode 11

May has shown a lot of growth throughout the series, and she’s in a place right now where she’s ready to take this step for herself. And while everyone may have been surprised that Athena didn’t immediately shut down May’s decision, it shows how much Athena has been listening to her daughter that she has the complete opposite reaction.

It’s nice to see their relationship evolving and turning into more than them arguing over May’s life. They’ve both decided to understand each other more, and it gets them to a place where they can sit down civilly and work together on finding May a place to live versus butting heads.

And it wouldn’t be Athena if she didn’t have a printed-out list of conditions for May to follow. She’s listening, but she’s not crazy! She’s not going to let May move just anywhere. Not in this crazy world we live in.

Odds and Ends

Reunited - 9-1-1 Season 4 Episode 11
  • Taylor was missing for so long, and now she’s back yet again in 9-1-1 Season 4! Has the show evolved past her being a love interest for Buck? Or do you think they’re going to be paired up again romantically?
  • Everyone getting on the line to welcome Sue back was sweet, and another one of those emotional 911 moments they always get right.
  • Hey, Gerry! If you’re a Parks and Rec fan, you would have recognized Sue’s husband as Pawnee’s favorite punching bag. Jim O’Heir is always lovely, and it was nice to see him in this world.
  • Josh is a treasure. And I’ve said it before, and I’ll repeat it, he needs to be protected at all costs.
Bobby Waits - 9-1-1 Season 4 Episode 11

We’ve only got three episodes left this season, which is crazy! It’s going by so fast, and I’m not ready for it to end!

What are you guys hoping to see before the season wraps up?

Do you want Taylor to stick around?

Are you glad Athena and May are working through their issues?

Drop all your thoughts down below and make sure that you watch 9-1-1 online via TV Fanatic, so you don't miss a beat!

First Responders Review

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Rating: 4.1 / 5.0 (18 Votes)

Whitney Evans is a senior staff writer for TV Fanatic. She is a lover of all things TV. Follow her on X.

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9-1-1 Season 4 Episode 11 Quotes

Josh: I don't know how this place runs without her.
Maddie: It's got you.

Destiny: He was inside buying flowers while someone was trying to kill her.
Buck: What? I thought this was an accident.
Destiny: He never took his foot off the gas, like he wanted that lady dead.