Jasmine Blu

Jasmine Blu

The Rookie Season 5 Episode 15 Review: The Con

The Rookie Review: The Con

Angela enlists with an elaborate plan to capture Elijah on The Rookie Season 5 Episode 15 with shocking results. Nolan lays Evelyn to rest. Our review!
Posted in: The Rookie
YOU Season 4 Episode 4 Review: Hampsie

YOU Review: Hampsie

With shocks, twists, and revelations, YOU Season 4 Episode 4 takes the whodunnit to new heights when Joe is trapped with all his suspects with no cell service. Our review!
Posted in: YOU
YOU Season 4 Episode 3 Review: Eat the Rich

YOU Review: Eat the Rich

Things between Joe and Kate head in an unexpected direction on YOU Season 4 Episode 3, while Joe closes in on his stalker in season's best episode yet. Our review!
Posted in: YOU
YOU Season 4 Episode 2 Review: Portrait of the Artist

YOU Review: Portrait of the Artist

Just as Joe thinks he's close to solving one murder, another body drops on YOU Season 4 Episode 2, and Joe's mysterious stalker closes in on who he really is. Our review!
Posted in: YOU
The Rookie Season 5 Episode 14 Review: Death Sentence

The Rookie Review: Death Sentence

Tim runs his first official op as a metro officer on The Rookie Season 5 Episode 14, while Nolan learns some tragic news. Wesley unravels something shady. Our review!
Posted in: The Rookie
The Rookie Season 5 Episode 13 Review: Daddy Cop

The Rookie Review: Daddy Cop

Celina has a close call on The Rookie Season 5 Episode 13 while riding with Grey. Meanwhile, Lucy enlists the help of everyone to get Tim a new position. Our review!
Posted in: The Rookie