Doctor By Day, Superhero By Night - Black Lightning Season 3 Episode 4

Anissa has other responsibilities beyond her work as Thunder and Blackbird. She works day-to-day at the local clinic.

Suited Up To Fight - Black Lightning Season 3 Episode 4

Whenever Anissa assumes her second alter-ego, she has the drive to act as a noble vigilante to help the weak.

The Truth Hurts - Black Lightning Season 3 Episode 4

Grace finally being back has exposed a lot of truths that the couple has yet to overcome, like Grace's secret powers and Anissa's secret identity.

Scream - Black Lightning Season 3 Episode 4

Oh no! Grace looks to be in so much pain. Could her transformations be overreacting and hurting her?

Reunited (And It Feels So Good) - Black Lightning Season 3 Episode 4

Now that Anissa and Grace have reunited, they're making up for all the lost time wasted from being apart.

Blackbird - Black Lightning Season 3 Episode 4

Anissa Pierce is dressed up and ready to take on another mission as her alter-ego, Blackbird. She looks ready to fight for justice.

Knockout - Black Lightning Season 3 Episode 4

What does Painkiller have up his sleeve during his next mission? Could these passed out soldiers be victims of his latest attack?

Car Wash - Wide - Riverdale Season 4 Episode 3

When an activity is lacking funds, a car wash is a great and simple way to get a few extra bucks. Did the group make their goal?

One Missed Call - Riverdale Season 4 Episode 3

Why does Betty look so worried during her phone call? With her mother and sister missing at The Farm, could they finally be reaching out?

The Gym's Future - Riverdale Season 4 Episode 3

Archie has big goals for the future of the gym. He wants to make a real difference for the people of Riverdale.

Name Change - Riverdale Season 4 Episode 3

Veronica is contemplating giving up the Lodge name after everything Hiram and Hermione have done to her life.

Raising Funds - Riverdale Season 4 Episode 3

Archie and the gang need help from the town of Riverdale to support the gym. Will their fundraising activities prove successful?

The CW Quotes

Alice: These diaries are your past, and your past is crushing you. Edgar says that...
Betty: What, Mom? What does some guru who’s running a heaven’s gate commune for pregnant runaways and wives of serial killers have to say about my diaries?
Alice: We know that you look down on the Farm, Betty. But, Edgar has done nothing but help me. He’s encouraged me to embrace everything that I was ashamed of and become the best version of myself.

Veronica: What's happening out there? Do we know? Is it about me?
Jughead: I have a strong inkling, and no. Also, I'd let it go.
Veronica: Yes, but you're you and I'm me. You do you, girl. I'll be back.
[She leaves]
Kevin: What was it like before she got here? I honestly cannot remember.