Water Fight - Riverdale Season 4 Episode 3

Regardless of the situation or what may have led to that moment, whenever ANYONE holds a car wash, a water and soap fight is destined to happen.

Archie's Abs: Car Wash Edition - Riverdale Season 4 Episode 3

Of course, Riverdale has found another opportunity to showcase Archie's abs to the general public. This time it's a car wash.

Car Wash - Riverdale Season 4 Episode 3

A car wash seems like a fun and carefree idea to raise some money in Riverdale. Will the event be a success?

Suit Up - Black Lightning Season 3 Episode 3

Jennifer Pierce is dressed and ready to fight as Lightning. But, she isn't alone during her night out. Could this be a mission set by Agent Odell?

Markovian Moves - Black Lightning Season 3 Episode 3

The Markovians are making their play against Freeland. Agent Odell wants to build a force that can fight against them.

ASA Watch - Black Lightning Season 3 Episode 3

Jefferson Pierce is putting on a special watch from the ASA. What could this watch do for his special abilities?

Uninvited Guest - Black Lightning Season 3 Episode 3

Why has Agent Odell made a surprise visit to the Pierce household? Jennifer didn't like it when he dropped by the last time.

The Deal - Black Lightning Season 3 Episode 3

Jefferson is ready to play ball with Agent Odell. He's about to make a mysterious deal that could change everything.

Emotional Reunion - Tall - Black Lightning Season 3 Episode 3

Anissa has searched long and wide for Grace. But this time, she may have finally found the location of her long-lost love.

Emotional Reunion - Black Lightning

Anissa has searched long and hard to find Grace again. But this time, she might have finally reconnected with her ex.

Red Drink - Riverdale Season 4 Episode 2

Of course, Cheryl Blossom would be enjoying a red drink at a bustling party. She's right at home at center stage.

Life-Changing Offer - Riverdale Season 4 Episode 2

Jughead has the chance to receive a great education from a great school. How will his family react to the news?

The CW Quotes

Alice: These diaries are your past, and your past is crushing you. Edgar says that...
Betty: What, Mom? What does some guru who’s running a heaven’s gate commune for pregnant runaways and wives of serial killers have to say about my diaries?
Alice: We know that you look down on the Farm, Betty. But, Edgar has done nothing but help me. He’s encouraged me to embrace everything that I was ashamed of and become the best version of myself.

Veronica: What's happening out there? Do we know? Is it about me?
Jughead: I have a strong inkling, and no. Also, I'd let it go.
Veronica: Yes, but you're you and I'm me. You do you, girl. I'll be back.
[She leaves]
Kevin: What was it like before she got here? I honestly cannot remember.