Nyssa of Ghul

Nyssa of Ghul comes to town to convince Canary to leave Starling City on Arrow.

Sara Considers Leaving

Sara considers leaving Starling City because staying may put her family in danger on Arrow. Will she region the League of Assassins.

How Far Will Nyssa Go?

How far will Nyssa go to convince Canary to leave Starling City on Arrow?

Nyssa and Canary

Nyssa al Ghul gets Canary to come with her while Arrow looks on in "Heir of the Demon"

League of Assassins

Can Arrow take on a member of the League of Assassins in order to get Sara to stay and help Laurel?

What Has Arrow Found?

After winning the battle, what has Arrow found on the Assassin in "Heir to the Demon"

A Heated Battle

A heated battle ensues between Arrow, Lance, Canary and the Assassin. Who will come out on top?

Can Arrow Convince Canary?

Can Arrow get Canary to ignore the League of Assassins and stay in Starling City?

Canary Is Back

Looks like Canary is back. Will she choose to stay in Starling City or leave once again?

Things Grow Dangerous

Things become dangerous between Lance and Sara and the League of Assassins makes a play for Canary.

Lance Is Concerned

Lance is concerned about Laurel's downward spiral and hopes that Sara will stay in Starling City to help on Arrow.

Lance and Sara

Lance hopes to convince Sara to stay in town to help Laurel but will it be enough to changer her mind on Arrow?

Arrow Quotes

I thought you took that book off your father's dead body. How could he have been so chatty?


She was my sister. I couldn't be angry because she was dead. I couldn't grieve because I was so angry, that's what happens when your sister dies while screwing your boyfriend.
