Serious Secret Service - Designated Survivor Season 1 Episode 2

Is there anything that could make Mike and the other Secret Service guy smile? They look so laser focused on their job. They are ready to react in any circumstance.

Secrets - Designated Survivor Season 1 Episode 2

What is Aaron telling Alex? Is he setting her up for something, or is he telling her all about the General's plan? Is Mike catching any of it?

Emily! - Designated Survivor Season 1 Episode 2

It's good to see that Emily is in the thick of things. We know she's got the President's back.

Somber Mood - Designated Survivor Season 1 Episode 2

Alex, Aaron, and Seth look a little overwhelmed at all the destruction. It can't be a good feeling standing in the middle of such devastation.

All the Details - Designated Survivor Season 1 Episode 2

Hannah has some great theories, but will she be taken seriously? Will she be sent back to the office?

Getting Information - Designated Survivor Season 1 Episode 2

President Kirkman is getting information from the FBI, but how much do they really know?

Looking Like the Chief - Designated Survivor Season 1 Episode 2

After only a few hours, President Kirkman is looking more and more confident. Anyone who had doubts he could do this job was sorely mistaken.

Encouragement - Designated Survivor Season 1 Episode 2

President Kirkman takes the mic and seems to be offering words of encouragement to the personnel digging through the rubble. There must be a thousand things floating through his head at this momet.

Holding Tight - Designated Survivor Season 1 Episode 2

Alex holds on tight to Tom as they start walk through the destruction. It seems that Aaron, Emily, and Seth came along for the ride, too.

Stepping into a Role - Designated Survivor Season 1 Episode 2

Alex joins her husband as he surveys the devastation. It's good to see that she continues to be supportive in this time of crisis.

The President Arrives - Designated Survivor Season 1 Episode 2

President Kirkman arrives at ground zero to survey the damage from the attack. How much information does he know right now?

Keeping Guard - Designated Survivor Season 1 Episode 2

Mike keeps guard, but could he be spying on someone he feels is a threat?

Designated Survivor Quotes

Pancakes for everyone!


Alex: Tom, you can't do that. You can't make promises you won't be able to keep.
Tom: We're in Washington. They're the only promises you're allowed to make.