Saving the Day - Family Guy Season 16 Episode 14

Quagmire saves the day again because Peter doesn't have it in him to be a hero. If it wasn't for Quagmire, Peter might not be alive.
Rating: Unrated

Captain Peter? - Family Guy Season 16 Episode 14

Peter is a member of the Coast Guard now and that's a scary thought. Why is he Coast Guard? Because Peter did something stupid.
Rating: Unrated

The Drunken Clam - Family Guy

Peter, Quagmire, Cleveland, and Joe look after the Drunken Clam while Jerome is away on Family Guy.
Rating: Unrated

Riding a Unicorn - Family Guy Season 16 Episode 15

Stewie rides the horse he was always meant to ride despite him having purchased every coin-operated pony in Quahog.
Rating: Unrated

Dog Meat Brian - Family Guy Season 16 Episode 15

Brian is about to be turned into a protein shake unless Stewie saves him from the hands of the Koreans.
Rating: Unrated

The 1950s - Family Guy

The show looks back at events from the 1950s, '60s, and '70s on Family Guy. "Family Guy' Through the Years."
Rating: Unrated

1970s Drunken Clam - Family Guy Season 16 Episode 16

Peter and the guys celebrate Quagmire's return from the Vietnam War with some beers at The Drunken Clam.
Rating: Unrated

Wheaties Boy - Family Guy Season 16 Episode 16

Peter questions why Stewie is pushing a vacuum cleaner instead of doing something that could put him on a Wheaties box.
Rating: Unrated

Body Swapping - Family Guy

Stewie invents a body swapping machine but things quickly go haywire when it malfunctions on Family Guy.
Rating: Unrated

Stewie Takes Over - Family Guy Season 16 Episode 17

Stewie tries to change Brian's life but it backfires on him when the machine he uses goes haywire.
Rating: Unrated

Body Swapping - Family Guy Season 16 Episode 17

Stewie's body swapping machine causes havoc for the entire town of Quahog.
Rating: Unrated

Loser Brian - Family Guy Season 16 Episode 17

Brian is a loser and feels sorry for himself after his Alexa is taken away because he overspent on his credit cards.
Rating: Unrated

Family Guy Quotes

Aunt Margarite [on her video will]: Lois, you were always my favorite niece; I just knew you would find a wonderful man who would make all your dreams come true. But I was wrong.
Peter: And now you're dead. Score one for Peter

But now that you mention it, your face looks like a used condom.
