Useful Stewie - Family Guy Season 16 Episode 2

Peter finds another way to utilize Stewie. Nothing like some baby bathroom humor.

Peter Gets His Groove On - Family Guy Season 16 Episode 2

Peter is looking awfully cool. Is he planning a date with his new cool friend?

The Gang - Family Guy Season 16 Episode 2

Is Peter going to open the door for the gang or is he too cool for them?

Peter and Foxx - Family Guy Season 16 Episode 2

Peter gets a brand new friend named Foxx and decides to dump his current friends because they're not "cool" enough.

Family Guy Season 16 Episode 2 Quotes

Anthropologie Associate: Sir. There's nothing strange or useless enough that we don't have here at Anthropologie.
Peter: I know one thing you don't have. Black customers.
Anthropologie Associate: Aaah! I'm melting!

Oh, Lois just texted. Burgers or meatballs for dinner? I'll text back for you. Same things, bitch, just different shapes.

Stewie [to Peter]