Watch Family Guy Season 13 Episode 12 online to watch the bizarre creation of the Stewie/Brian cross-hybrid babies, all because Stewie felt ignored by Brian. The family watch the Looney Tunes version of "The Iron Chef." There is an aside about Jack and Jill's strenous relationship. Stewie is nervous that he seems to clingy -- he just misses hanging out with Brian. The news channel shows a segment about penguins, and the scene is stuck on the penguins. Cleveland, Joe, Quagmire, and Peter watch the channel at the bar, and Peter suggests that they make a viral video. Peter tells Joe that they wanted to just use his lap to hold their stuff. Cleveland didn't know what a penguin was (he thinks its a type of bug). Stewie tries to hang out with Brian again. He thinks Brian is being standoffish. Stewie thinks the way to get Brian to be around his to have a baby with him. He acts super creepy and clingy, and asks Brian to stop texting during their meal. Brian can't stop texting at the table. Stewie really tries to take Brian's DNA so that they can get a baby. Ron Livingston's own parents can't remember his name. In an insane turn of events, Stewie uses a machine to insert the DNA in his body via belly button. Stewie's pregnancy test shows up positive, and it turns out that he's pregnant. Brian and Stewie have a big, and dramatic, showdown about the baby and abortion. Stewie puts on a voice of a defensive woman. Joe does 30 very monotonous impressions in under 30 seconds. Stewie seems very far along in only two days. Stewie has make up on to look like a girl and talks his way through the doctor giving him a check to delivery the baby. Stewie is clearly a bit grumpy and is having mood swings. Stewie does a nude, candid, photo shoot. The photographer calls Brian the "dad." Brian and Stewie take a montage of photos together. Peter talks about coming up with a new viral video, and Joe points out a frog in a miniskirt putting a quarter in the jukebox, dancing around a growing group of apes. Stewie continues to call Brian his husband. Stewie's water breaks at a fast food place. Brian drives as fast as he can with a pregnant Stewie is in his car seat. Stewie doesn't know where the baby is coming out from. Suddenly babies seem to be coming out of every orrifice. Stewie asks Brian to try and save the placenta so that he can eat it. Brian and Stewie try to deal with their mutant hybrid babies, as Peter and the gang deal with not being able to make a viral video. Chris goes viral just for dropping his chocolate while crossing the street, and then going back to pick it up and eat it. As tensions rise and the babies with their various problems get on their nerves, the truth finally comes out. Brian and Stewie make amends and then they give all their babies away to an animal shelter. Watch Family Guy Season 13 Episode 12 online and see Peter attempt to make a viral video as Stewie tries to lock Brian down for ever by having his babies.

Desperate Measures - Family Guy

When Stewie believes that Brian has lost interest in him, he takes desperate measures to save their relationship on Family Guy.

Family Guy Season 13 Episode 12 Quotes

This is serious Rupert, I'm losing him! I'm going to fix this relationship. We need a baby, and we need it now!


Lois: Oh I'm not doing anything special, just sitting here with the baby.
Stewie: Screw you too.