Bloody Dean - Supernatural Season 11 Episode 4

Dean looks like he’s just been through hell. It’s a good thing he can catch his breath in the Impala, but whatever he just faced off against had to be deadly. And that’s a lot of blood. But the elder Winchester knows how to still look good, doesn’t he?

Brothers together in the fight - Supernatural Season 11 Episode 4

Sam and Dean look like they got involved in a bloody mess. But the two have managed to make it out alive together. It’s good to see both of them helping each other out as they head back to the Impala. But isn’t that how it should be?

Sam takes action - Supernatural Season 11 Episode 4

Sam has got his gun drawn and looks to be running after someone or something. Did someone just rob the liquor store? Did someone steal the Impala? Either way, Sam means business and is ready to get the job done while looking like a badass.

Sam checking the mirror - Supernatural Season 11 Episode 4

When you’re Sam Winchester and you’ve got those flowing locks of hair, it’s a shock he doesn’t check himself out in mirrors more. OK. Maybe he’s taking a look at the woman in the back seat who seems to have passed out or died from perhaps opening up the box.

Seriously, what’s in the box? - Supernatural Season 11 Episode 4

Like Pandora, the woman just couldn’t help but take a peek inside the box. So what the heck is in there? And what’s up with the blood splatter all over the car window? Something just went down. Something… supernatural.

What’s in the box? - Supernatural Season 11 Episode 4

Everyone do your best Brad Pitt impression from the film Seven. That’s clearly what the woman looks like she’s trying to do as Dean puts his hand on what looks like a cooler. I’d assume the brothers keep their beers in there, but that woman looks far more freaked out for it be a nice cold one.

Crusin in the Impala - Supernatural Season 11 Episode 4

Sam and Dean are clearly headed on their next mission, ready to hunt down whatever scary creature is causing problems in some sleepy town. So, of course, Dean is going to be the driver and Sam will take shotgun. Now, what music will the Winchester brothers be listening to?

Sam and Dean at the Steak House - Supernatural Season 11 Episode 4

Sam and Dean must have had a delicious meal at the Steak House, because they look ready to get back on the hunt. But what is it they spot? And did anyone notice the ladies checking the brothers out from behind!

Sam hanging out in the back of the Impala - Supernatural Season 11 Episode 4

Sam looks like he’s getting some big secret off his chest. Is he telling Dean about the infection he recently cured? This is a serious brother moment that seems perfect for having in the Impala.

Dean relaxing in the Impala - Supernatural Season 11 Episode 4

The Impala seems like the perfect place for Dean and Sam to have a real chat and get some bro time in. Granted, Dean looks mighty serious, and it is night, but if there’s one thing we’ve learned, these brothers will pull through together no matter what.

Rowena on the other side - Supernatural Season 11 Episode 3

Rowena is no longer with Sam, and she looks to be on the other side of a barrier. Did she manage to escape Sam’s clutches? Bet she’s got some wisecrack to share with Sam before she gets away again. C’mon, guys, take care of this witch. You’ve got bigger problems!

Surprised Sam - Supernatural Season 11 Episode 3

Sam may have Rowena right where he wants her, but that look on his face means something has gone wrong. That’s a look of surprise, not happy to have captured the red-headed witch. Has he run into more infected? The Darkness?