Rowena captured - Supernatural Season 11 Episode 3

Rowena has finally been caught, and she doesn’t look happy about it. Sam may have managed to get one step ahead of her, but she still has the Book of the Damned. The younger Winchester brother better watch out!

There for a friend - Supernatural Season 11 Episode 3

Something has got Castiel down, and it may be that Rowena’s spell is killing him. Not even a fight between the angel and hunter could stop Dean from trying to help his friend. Let’s just hope it’s not too late.

Dean’s ready for battle - Supernatural Season 11 Episode 3

Castiel may have knocked Dean around, but the bloodied and bruised hunter isn’t going down without a fight. He looks determined to stand up to his angel friend, stop him, and hopefully find a cure. There’s got to be some epic rock song playing in the background during this scene as he stands up to confront Castiel, right?

Castiel is in charge - Supernatural Season 11 Episode 3

Castiel looks pissed, and he’s got Dean down on the ground. That’s not how you deal with not liking one of Dean’s jokes! Or maybe it seems that his red eyes rage mode is kicking in, and the Winchester brother may be in terrible danger.

Dean needs to talk - Supernatural Season 11 Episode 3

Castiel and Dean may appear to be in some party favor warehouse, but Dean knows its no time to party. Perhaps there might be a cure there? Dean seems pretty serious in whatever he’s saying to Castiel. Bet, he’s listing off his favorite pies.

Red eyes Castiel - Supernatural Season 11 Episode 3

Someone get Castiel some allergy meds! Those red eyes definitely are accompanied by some sneezing… and probably the ability to take down a bunch of angels. It seems that Rowena’s spell still is affecting Castiel.

Surprised Dean - Supernatural Season 11 Episode 3

Dean’s shocked to see something, and he looks on the defensive. Has Castiel gone into rage mode again? Let’s hope he brought some weapon and doesn’t wind up dead (yeah, right)… after all, Billie the reaper said dead is dead.

Evil Castiel? - Supernatural Season 11 Episode 3

OK. So Castiel hasn’t gone evil, but the Rowena spell is making him super dangerous. He can’t seem to control himself, and this girl may not make it out alive with the way he has her. Seriously, Sam and Dean need to come to the rescue. Any time now, boys!

Castiel enraged - Supernatural Season 11 Episode 3

Castiel must be doing his Batman voice while he’s questioning this woman. Or maybe the red eyes spell is making him try and kill her? Things are not looking good for the trench coat wearing angel, and he might wind up seriously hurting someone innocent.

Sneak attack - Supernatural Season 11 Episode 3

Castiel is unchained and looking more dangerous than ever. That poor woman has no clue the angel is behind her, and he looks ready to attack. Where is Sam? Where is Dean? Somebody help both of them!

The Darkness is unimpressed - Supernatural Season 11 Episode 3

Crowley’s plan to work with Amara won’t backfire right? The Darkness as the little girl looks pissed and not to be trifled with. Whatever clever quips Crowley is spewing don’t seem to be having an effect on this ancient evil. She may be hungry for souls but not for jokes.

Crowley in a meeting - Supernatural Season 11 Episode 3

Crowley must be trying to figure out the Darkness. Though the look he’s giving must be his poker face. The King of Hell might actually be scared of the Darkness, but he’ll never reveal that. Might as well keep looking like you’re the big bad, right?