Aiming - The Flash Season 2 Episode 23

Harry is practicing his aim. He's obviously not afraid to use the gun he brought along.

Street Gang - The Flash Season 2 Episode 23

Wally should feel right at home here. This is like waiting for a drag race to begin, but instead of cars, it's human beings. How weird.

The Man - The Flash Season 2 Episode 23

Harry is the man. He's the man with the gun and the man who is going to watch Barry run. Well, he is!

Well Equipped - The Flash Season 2 Episode 23

Harry is well equipped. He brought the big gun. While it may not do anything, at least he feels good hanging onto it.

Got Your Other Dad! - The Flash Season 2 Episode 23

Hunter's issues don't become him at all. Here, he has his big paws on Joe, and even added some chains. Jerk.

Suited Up - The Flash Season 2 Episode 23

What will be Zoom's big plan? Is he really and truly just worried that Barry might be faster than he is?

Not as Confident - The Flash Season 2 Episode 23

Barry doesn't look nearly as confident as he did immediately coming out of the Speed Force.

All Well Again - The Flash Season 2 Episode 23

It's good to see the Earth-2 meta attack signal didn't do too much damage to our dear Harry.

The West Family - The Flash Season 2 Episode 23

Now that Wally knows the identity of The Flash, he can hang with his family at STAR Labs, too!

Gal Pals - The Flash Season 2 Episode 23

The number of girls in STAR Labs is growing, which is always nice. Equality!

Thoughtful - The Flash Season 2 Episode 23

Caitlin looks thoughtful as she stands around the lab.

The Race - The Flash

Zoom really, truly wants to race Barry for some strange reason.

The Flash Quotes

Ramsey: You know, I don't understand you Barry. You march towards death without fear, just like mum. Where is it you get your strength?
Barry: Probably the same place she did, people I love.

Where I came from, I was a speedster like you. They called me The Flash.
