Silver: Ethan and Naomi have this thing, they're in a bubble.
Annie: Well, the bubble has popped.

I am such a gynormous idiot.

I'm sitting here waiting for a guy in a bubble, an impenetrable bubble.

Debbie: You wanna talk about it?
Annie: I'd rather hit myself. Repeatedly. With a hammer.

Annie: Dad's gonna forget what he saw today, right?
Debbie: No, that's never gonna happen.

Silver: What's an after school special?
Annie: Google it.

Annie: I am not having sex with Ty Collins.
Naomi: Why not? You should explore the benefits.

Dad, you either trust me, or you don't. And it's really sounding like you don't.

Silver: Just breathe.
Annie: I am breathing.
Silver: Breathe slower.

Ethan: Wouldn't you rather save yourself for someone who cares about you?
Annie: I tried that. Didn't work out.

I came here tonight, fully prepared to have sex for the first time... this whole world is definitely not fine with me.

Come on, you can see Britney's house from here!


I saw him kissing that barefoot surfer chick. Apparently, he likes the smell of BO.


Join The Blaze! We may not be popular, but we've got heart.
