Dorota: The same thing happening to me. Pregnancy makes fingers swell up like kielbasas.
Blair: Well the paparazzi aren't camped out downstairs to find out if your wedding is called off. If they see me without my ring they'll think it means something.
Dorota: I start to think maybe it does.

Blair: [to Jenny] Did you really think this little stunt would help you win back queen?! I will make your life a living hell! I-
Jenny: Blair, I-
Chuck: It wasn't her idea.
Blair: This was you? Did you have any idea how much you humiliated me?
Chuck: You accomplished that with your little teenybopper sleepover.

Chuck: You can't outbid me. How do you expect to win?
Blair: Your lack of focus.

Eleanor: Well, perhaps it might be more efficient for you to have your own assignment rather than accompanying me.
Blair: Even better! Why not—
Eleanor: Patty Blagojevich.
Blair: I'm going to assume that that noise was a sneeze and that you meant to say Indra Nooyi.

Serena: B, I hear scheming in your voice. You cannot sabotage him.
Blair: Why not? I'm not going to treat him any better than all my other enemies just 'cause you sporadically love him.

I think you like Dan a little too much. But I should let you know, someone's watching. Merry Christmas!

Blair: How much more do you need to see?
Dorota: Of duck pond? Not really my thing to begin with.

Why would I jeopardize my college career by lying? So go ahead, fire Colin. Oh wait! He already quit. So let's just go in and enjoy some jeté. Allegro.

Sophie: Alors. La nouvelle?
Blair: We're going to have a baby.
Eleanor: A baby?! You're still in college!
Blair: Mother.
Cyrus: How wonderful!
Eleanor: Wonderful? It's a— wonderful... surprise. What is the record for youngest grandmother on the Upper East Side? Cyrus, I don't think I'm going to be able to make it to sundown without eating.
Sophie: I am thrilled without reservation! As long as the baby is born after you are married of course. The last thing this family needs is another bastard.

NYU? What was I thinking? You know what I think about ironic facial hair.

Serena: When you told me you were pregnant I said that I would be there for you, no matter what, and I haven't been. And I'm sorry.
Blair: Well you had a work crisis.
Serena: Yeah, but the truth is I was jealous.
Blair: Well if it makes you feel better marrying a prince isn't what fairytales would lead you to believe.
Serena: No, that's not what I was jealous about. You're the star of Dan's book.
Blair: Well as I said, it's pure fiction.

I still despise you, but thank you for doing the right thing for once.

Gossip Girl Quotes

Even Blair Waldorf can not bend DNA to her will.


Hazel: Do you know what you're doing, Little J?
Jenny: I'm not Little J anymore.