Not to worry. My new intern is already here.

Blair: Interns! Step in! Now since the new online blog is molding minds, I'll do that myself. You will sort portfolios, draft editorial captions and research back—
Donna: Are you talking to me?
Blair: Of course not. Where are my interns?
Donna: They put in for transfers. Your management style was a little aggressive. One claims she has PTSD and threatened a lawsuit. Oh, good luck. The last assistant who lost her interns, lost her job too.

Blair: New minion—
Emily: My name is Emily.
Dorota: She has no time to care.

There are philanthropic positions to procure, as well as relations to nurture. Yet with science so woefully behind in cloning technology I can only be in one place at a time.

Penelope: You called us here to Skype?
Blair: No. I called you in to W. But apparently someone thought that stood for "Waldorf."

Serena: Okay, I try not to meddle in Dorota's duties, but don't you think you're taking it a bit too far?
Blair: Marie Antoinette, Scarlett O'Hara. I'm going to be following in the footsteps of other powerful women who did not have the time to zip.
Serena: Or maybe you're just delusional from lack of sleep. Your light hasn't been off for nights.
Blair: Great leaders only need three hours. Mine just happen to be non-consecutive.

Blair: My point is, paranoia can save your life.
Dan: Oh, so she was supposed to know her husband was going to sell their firstborn to a coven?
Blair: The woman couldn't be more naive. I mean who eats unsolicited desserts.
Dan: Point taken. The mousse was creepy. Do you know how many gloves I've lost on the subway?
Blair: Well. You do often seem cursed.
Dan: I do, don't I?

Blair: Just seeking refuge with the perfect anti-Valentine's Day movie. Rosemary's Baby.
Dan: What part are you at? I'll watch it with you. Forgive me if I've memorized some of Ruth Gordon's dialogue. Okay, all of it.
Blair: It just started.

Dan: Well this way I can initiate a whole new round of pestering you to submit it.
Blair: But I already did. Yesterday. I gave your article to a junior editor. At Vanity Fair, not Details. I'm assuming that won't be a problem.
Dan: Wait, so you submitted it without reading it?
Blair: Of course I read it. I have a reputation to uphold.
Dan: And you still put me through the ringer?
Blair: It was good.
Dan: I'm sorry. What'd you just say?
Blair: You heard me. It was sharp. And well-observed. When it comes to experiencing an ex with a new love, you have some insight.

Serena: You gonna be okay alone?
Blair: Not yet. But I need to start learning to be. Go have fun with your parolee.
[S gets a text]
Serena: Maybe it's a secret Valentine.

Blair: Well. They're not Richart, but they're all I could find at this hour. I was going to leave them on your pillow.
Serena: Blair, please. It's been a long night. I'm tired.
Blair: You were right. Chuck and Reina are real. Were real anyway.

Gossip Girl: Rubies are red, hydrangeas are blue. Chuck' given his heart away—
Dan: Wow, he's good.
Gossip Girl: But guess what, Blair? Not to you.
Blair: Shut up Humphrey.

Gossip Girl Quotes

Even Blair Waldorf can not bend DNA to her will.


Hazel: Do you know what you're doing, Little J?
Jenny: I'm not Little J anymore.