Mini Rachel: I for one think we should use our set list for Sectionals to start exploring the oeuvre of Bernadette Peters.
Mini Brittany: Someday, I'm gonna go to Paris and visit the oeuvre.

They look like deep fried deep poop.

Brittany [on tater tots]

Mr. Schu taught me the second half of the alphabet. I stopped after M and N. I thought they sounded too similar and got frustrated.

When you guys fooled around, did he ever just lie there?

Brittany [on Artie]

Artie: We all know you can do it.
Brittany: I know that I can't. Just like I know the cricket that reads to me at night is totally stealing my jewelry.

I know I'm more talented than all of you. Britney Spears taught me that.

I'm paralyzed with fear. I've been here since second period. I really need to pee.


If we lose, we should throw possums.

Artie: Adultery means cheating.
Brittany: I thought it meant being stupid. Like being a dolt.

Last year I left my stocking up over Christmas vacation and an entire family of mice starting living in it. Their Christmas gift to each other was rabies.

Brittany: Remember: even the smallest envelope is heavy for an elf.

Brittany: You're a really good dancer.
Finn: Thanks, but my feet weren't really dancing.
Brittany: That was the best part.

Glee Quotes

I've got a full ride to a little school called the University of California in Los Angeles. Maybe you've heard of it. It's in Los Angeles.


She may be difficult, but boy can she sing. Bravo!
