Quinn: There's a fair amount of the pot calling the kettle black now.
Brittany: That's so racist.

Rachel, im gonna give you some tough love right now. You're not a trendsetter. When people look at you, the dont see what you're wearing, the see a cat getting its temperature taken, and then they hear it screaming.

I get my information from Woody Woodpecker cartoons.

Brittany: I really like when we make out and stuff.
Santana: Which isn't cheating because?
Brittany: The plumbing's different.

Santana: Breakfast makes you confused.
Brittany: Sometimes it's sweet, sometime it's salty. What if I have eggs for dinner? What is that?

The key is to use your curling iron in the bathtub to keep you from being burnt.

Santana: Everyone knows my job here is to look hot.
Quinn: My baby hormones make me moody.
Brittany: There's so many words!

Will: What's everyone's favorite song?
Brittany: "My Headband."

Sue: And as you ponder your decision, I ask that you remember that that cannon has 2 little baby twin cannons, and one more on the way, and if you refuse to sign this, well, those little baby cannons might just go hungry.
Brittany: Baby cannons...
Sue: And the mama cannon has fibromyalgia so she can't work.

It looks like a Jewish cloud. *petting Jacob Ben-Israel's hair*

Because you're Lebanese and I'm bi-curious?

Brittany: You're a really good dancer.
Finn: Thanks, but my feet weren't really dancing.
Brittany: That was the best part.

Glee Quotes

I've got a full ride to a little school called the University of California in Los Angeles. Maybe you've heard of it. It's in Los Angeles.


She may be difficult, but boy can she sing. Bravo!
