Charlotte: Could you have more comdoms?
Samantha: I did, yes.
Charlotte: I'm just so happy to be out of that condom stage of life.
Miranda: Here I thought it was called my thirty's.

Charlotte: I really like LA.
Carrie: Who wouldn't? Keith wants to buy a three million dollar house, and I can't even afford new curtains.
Samantha: That's where the guys out here have New York men beat, real estate.

Charlotte: I can't believe you're all going to L.A. without me.
Miranda: We still can't believe you went on your honeymoon without us.

Charlotte: So how are you?
Carrie: I'm good. How are you?
Charlotte: Great.
Carrie: I told Aidan about the affair and he broke up with me.
Charlotte: Trey and I never had sex on our honeymoon.
Carrie: You win. So. Should we get more coffee or should we get two guns and kill ourselves?

Carrie: I told Aidan about the affair and he broke up with me.
Charlotte: Trey and I never had sex on our honeymoon.
Carrie: You win. So should we get more coffee or should we get two guns and kill ourselves?

Samantha: You know marriage doesn't guarantee a happy ending, just an ending.
Charlotte: (raises her glass) An end to dating!

Charlotte: Well, I wanted to save myself until we got married.
Carrie: But, sweetie, you're not a virgin.
Charlotte: Well, I am in this relationship, and I think it's romantic.
Samantha: Yeah, it's romantic, until he can't figure out where to put it in. Honey, what if he's terrible?
Charlotte: He won't be terrible, no. He is an amazing kisser and he is so sexy and he loves me, and I've wanted to do things to him that I've never done to any body. Like the other night I was thinking of putting whip cream all over my body...
Samantha: Low fat Cool Whip is the best. It's less sticky, than other brands.

Charlotte: Miranda, please don't bleed on my dress?
Miranda: I'm trying not to.

Samantha: Don't you think this dress could stand to be a little bit shorter?
Charlotte: Samantha, all the skirts have to be the same length.
Samantha: Really? What about Trey's skirt?
Charlotte: It's a kilt, and it's tradition.

Charlotte: Carrie, you're right, you have to tell him. But not before the wedding. It's supposed to be my week.
Miranda: It's your day. You get a day, not a week.

Samantha: It's also the possibilty that your next great fuck is just around the corner.
Charlotte: Well, my next great...
Miranda: Yes?
Carrie, Miranda, Samantha: Say it!
Charlotte: Fuck...
Miranda, Carrie, Samantha: Whomp!
Charlotte: Is, just around the corner. I finally get to sleep with Trey.
Carrie: Excuse me?
Miranda: You haven't slept with him yet?
Samantha: Honey, before you buy the car, you take it for a test drive.

Samantha: Have you all had an AIDS test?
Carrie: Good morning, where did that come from?
Samantha: I just met this very hot guy and he won't sleep with me, unless I have a test.
Charlotte: Samantha, we're looking at wedding gowns, could you please not talk about AIDS right now?
Carrie: Wait, you've never had an HIV test?
Samantha: No! Have you?
Carrie: Two.
Miranda: Three. How can you not have had an AIDS test?
Carrie: She doesn't mean that the way it sounds. It's just that, well, why not, sweetie?
Samantha: I always practice safe sex.
(Carrie stares at her)
Samantha: Alright, I'm terrified. What if I have it?
Carrie: You don't have it.
Samantha: Sometimes, it takes me a really long time to get over a cold.
Carrie: That's not AIDS, that's central air.

Sex and the City Quotes

It's like the riddle of the Sphinx. Why are there so many great unmarried women, and no great unmarried men?


(After Carrie gets off Mr. Big's car)
Carrie: Wait! Have you ever been in love?
Mr. Big: Abso-fucking-lutely.