Phil: You know how you can treasure special moments in your past that in no way diminish special moments in your present?
Claire: Yes sweetheart it's called having a memory.

I don't know whether or not to be angry or impressed.

I think I just broke a nail on a turtle.

Claire: There's a reason I'm the best person.
Mitchell: You know that's just a title for today right?
Claire: Yeah, I'm the best person at this wedding.

Don't get me wrong the Dunphys have some great days, we just have some trouble stringing them all together.

Mitchell: There is no easy way to ask this, but are you all high?
Claire: No Mitchell, we're happy.

Claire: Check this out, a reflecting pond.
Alex: Great maybe you can see how crazy you’re being right now.

Oh what? The mascot's a beaver, those jokes will get old.

Claire: This cold stops with me. Why do you think I swapped beds with Luke last night?
Phil: You did?
Luke: Appreciated the back rub. Not sure I loved being called Miss Thang.
Phil: Nooooo!

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Claire: Why are you trying to turn this into a fight? I called to yell at you for getting me sick. Love you, bye.
Mitchell: I love you too.

Claire: Haley I need the wifi corner get down.
Haley: Ugh! I need Instagram to know there's still beauty in the world!

I wanna hear your point but right now this magic juice is gonna help mama turn that bathtub into a swim up bar.

Modern Family Quotes

You could pretend to get sick at the table. You know cough, stomachache, dealer's choice, I don't care just sell it.


Thank you Uncle Manny!
