Blair: Beatrice. You have to understand, it's still so early. I didn't want to get Louis' hopes up if things weren't okay. I was going to tell him.
Louis: What were you going to tell me?
Beatrice: About her wonderful idea, Louis.
Blair: I have so many.
Dan: Mmm.

Dan: Hey! I'm not part of his payment plan.
Chuck: Sorry. Mr. Bass said nothing should stop us except his safe word.
Dan: Well his is serious. He could die.
Chuck: All this be madness, yet there is some method in it. [gets kicked again] Guess that wasn't the safe word.
Dan: Chuck. Chuck. Tell them to stop.
Chuck: Okay. Fine. "Stop."
Dan: Stop? Really? That's it?

Chuck: I wasn't trying to kill myself.
Dan: Then what the hell were you doing?
Chuck: I was hoping it would hurt.
Dan: What, to dull the pain of losing Blair?

Chuck: That's what you don't understand. I feel nothing when I see her and Louis. Or when I jump off a building or when I crash a motorcycle. Even you don't irritate me.
Dan: Well having these guys beat you up isn't the way to fix anything. You could have died.
Chuck: Is being dead that much worse than being nothing?

Dan: Well how about instead of pain you try to feel good things. I could tickle you.
Chuck: I'd rather hire someone else to do that, thank you.

Chuck: Forgive me for stating the obvious, but isn't being published a writer's goal?
Dan: Not for this book. It's a scathing social satire. About everyone I know, including you.
Chuck: [smiles] The return of Charlie Trout.

Dan: If I didn't know any better, I'd think you're starting to like Brooklyn.
Blair: It isn't Brooklyn I'm here for. You're the only person I can have a furtive, emotionally-loaded conversation with right now. How's Chuck?
Dan: Ah... he's okay. Sort of. A long, Freudian story. How are you?
Blair: Pregnant.

Blair: I had hoped denial would last longer as a coping mechanism, but breast tenderness and morning sickness made that impossible.
Dan: You know, you do have options.
Blair: And I've considered them all. But no matter what, this baby was conceived out of love and... I'm gonna keep it.

Um, have you not told Louis because it might be Chuck's?

Even Blair Waldorf can not bend DNA to her will.

Blair: I am about to marry a fabulous man. Who happens to be a prince. I can't be this close to having all my dreams come true only to have them yanked away by one transgression at a stranger's Bar Mitzvah.
Dan: I know it's scary, but I think you should know who the father is. If not for yourself then for the baby.

Dan: Quick question: how big can my head get before it explodes?

Gossip Girl Quotes

Even Blair Waldorf can not bend DNA to her will.


Hazel: Do you know what you're doing, Little J?
Jenny: I'm not Little J anymore.