You gotta stop loving me so much, seriously we gotta get you a puppy or something.

I'm a DJ, I'm not trying to earn a merit badge!

Okay I'm not cool with you and you being a we.

You think just because you cheated on me that you'll be able to walk out of my new company? You signed a contract that gives me full control of your music. I own you.

Riley: I had a fight with your sister.
Dixon: So? Everyone fights with my sister. Join the club.

Hell hath not fury like an angry ex.

All drama Adrianna is back.

Don't worry about Ade. She'll come around She's actually a nice girl when she's not cheating on me, or trying to kill Silver, or pregnant and on drugs.

No good deed goes unpunished.

Only problem is her day job is having Silver's baby.

Mark: What's wrong with Dixon's hair?
Dixon: I don't know, I think it looks dope.

That's my faux bro, gettin' it started early.


I saw him kissing that barefoot surfer chick. Apparently, he likes the smell of BO.


Join The Blaze! We may not be popular, but we've got heart.
