Caitlin: That light was perfect bait. What made you think of that?
Cisco: I don't know. I think I saw it in a comic book somewhere.

You carry a handkerchief now? What are you, 80?

Barry: Aaagh! For real? Why did you slap me?
Caitlin: Because you were unconscious!
Barry: Smelling salts work just as well.

If Dr. Wells is who you say he is, then everything I've done since I've set foot in STAR Labs has been a lie.

Caitlin: You're so lucky. Ray's so nice and smart and hot.
Felicity: Yeah, it's kind of like I'm dating Barry, but in Oliver's body. A sentence you'll never repeat to anyone!
Caitlin: Your secret's safe with me.

Harrison: Your ATOM suit is quite the technological achievement, Mr. Palmer. I'm impressed.
Caitlin: And he is never impressed.
Ray: Thank you, but I can't quite seem to keep it up.

Harrison: What exactly are we waiting for, Ms. Smoak?
Felicity: [points to the sky] That there!
Caitlin: Is that a bird?
Cisco: It's a plane...
Felicity: It's my boyfriend
Ray: Hi! [waves] I'm Ray.

Caitlin: Are you suggesting that Dr. Wells is in league with the thing in the yellow suit? We all say that thing nearly kill him that night.
Cisco: Yeah. Nearly.

Cisco: What do you think of Dr. Wells?
Caitlin: What do you mean?
Cisco: Do you think he's capable of doing something bad?

Caitlin: Did you sneak a peek at my goods?
Barry: I wouldn't be much of a hero if I did.
Caitlin: Yeaaaaaaah, but it's OK if you peeked a little. You deserve a peek for all of the good stuff you do.
Barry: Drink lots of water.

[to Barry] You're fast and you can sing?

Barry: I'm not much of a singer. And you're not much of a drinker.
Caitlin: We are gonna bring this place down.

The Flash Quotes

Ramsey: You know, I don't understand you Barry. You march towards death without fear, just like mum. Where is it you get your strength?
Barry: Probably the same place she did, people I love.

Where I came from, I was a speedster like you. They called me The Flash.
