Amy: Um, Zoidberg, maybe Vegas isn't the best place for people like you.
Zoidberg: What? It's full of fat guys in sandals.

Zoidberg: And all we need is a little spine supplement to replace what Leela lost in that unavoidable saw mix up.
Leela: It wasn't unavoidable. You just had to stop cutting my spine when I yelled "stop you're cutting my spine!"

Farnsworth: So many loves half-loved, so many inventions half-invented. That damn time machine alone set me back 15 years.
Zoidberg: If only it'd worked, you could go back and not waste your time on it.

Now I'm not saying Professor Farnsworth is old, but if you consider his age he's likely to die soon.

Zoidberg: (while underwater) My house, it burned down! How could this have happened?!
Hermes: That's a very good question.
Bender: So there's where I left my cigar.
Hermes: That just raises further questions!

Fry: That's the saltiest thing I've ever tasted. And I once ate a big, heaping bowl of salt!
Bender: Oh, come on! That food was fine! The salt content was 10% less than a lethal dose!
Zoidberg: Uh oh. I shouldn't have had seconds.

Professor: Then we plunged into a massive worm hole, never to be seen again...
Bender: Yeah we're back!
Hermes: Sweet coincidence of Port Au Prince, we're back at Earth!
Professor: Of course! That was the Panama worm hole, Earth's central channel for shipping.
Dr. Zoidberg: How humorous.
Professor: It's sort of a Comedy Central shipping channel and now we're on it.
Amy: I get it!

Zoidberg: I'll have a look, but I remind you, I'm an expert on humans not robots.
Fry: I'm not Bender, I'm Fry.
Zoidberg: Really? I thought you were the robot.
Fry: Nope. Human.
Zoidberg: Alright, alright, spare me your life story.

Professor: Dr. Zoidberg, can you note the time and declare the patient officially dead?
Dr. Zoidberg: Can I? That's my speciality!

Fry: I'm a robot too?
Dr. Zoidberg: Ah ha! That explains this growth on your drive shaft.

Zoidberg: Now open your mouth and let's have a look at that brain. No, no, no, no, no, not that mouth!
Fry: I only have one.
Zoidberg: Really?

Bender: My tummy hurts and I've been having this burning electrical discharge.
Zoidberg: Hmm. Don't worry, you'll be fine. Oh boy. (quietly) I didn't have the heart to tell him: It's fin fungus. He'll be floating upside-down by morning.

Futurama Quotes

(after he freezes Leela)
Fry: See ya' in a thousand years.
(Is about to leave, then comes back and switches it from 1000 years, to five minutes)
Fry: You owe me.

Leela: Look, I know it's not much consolation. But, I understand how you feel.
Fry: No, you don't. I've got no home, no family.
Bender: No friends.
Fry: My whole world is gone. You can't possible understand what it feels like to be so alone.
Leela: I understand. I'm the only one-eyed alien on this whole planet. My parents abandoned me here as a baby and I don't even know what galaxy they were from. I know how it feels to be alone.