Bender: My tummy hurts and I've been having this burning electrical discharge.
Zoidberg: Hmm. Don't worry, you'll be fine. Oh boy. (quietly) I didn't have the heart to tell him: It's fin fungus. He'll be floating upside-down by morning.

Farnsworth: So many loves half-loved, so many inventions half-invented. That damn time machine alone set me back 15 years.
Zoidberg: If only it'd worked, you could go back and not waste your time on it.

Hermes: Sweet giant anteater of Saint Anita! The Professor's been eaten by giant anteaters!
Zoidberg: What?
Hermes: If y'ask me, it's mighty suspicious! I'm gonna call the police... right after I flush some things.

Dr. Zoidberg: Hey look, a fog is coming in.
Conrad: Oh, no that's just the Jamaican pride float.

Bender: Life is about decisions. Make the wrong ones and you'll wind up face down in a pool of your own blood and urine.
Zoidberg: Still, to have your own pool!

He may not be perfect, but do we really want some new guy? I'll stick with the evil maniac I know, thank you!

Look out, penny slots, I've got a system! It's to put all my money in you! Hahahahaha!

Fry: Uh, is there a human doctor around?
Zoidberg: Young lady, I'm an expert on humans.

Hermes: People, as company bureaucrat, I will today be performing the annual performance review - with a twist!
Fry: Oh no, the firing tie!
Hermes: Correct. I will be evaluating each of you, and the lowest-rated employee - possibly Zoidberg - will be fired at sundown. Zoidberg.
Zoidberg: Hohohohoho. Classic Hermes.

I remembered you liked superheroes, so I painted a mural on your wall. This is Father-Man. He fights crime to earn Son-Boy's respect. Is it working?

Zoidberg: Now it's time for my song! When I was two, there was a tidal wave in-
Closing Credits
Zoidberg: Aw.

Hermes: I'm going to jump!
Amy: No!
Zoidberg: No!
Bender: Do a flip!

Futurama Quotes

Dear Captain's Diary; I may not have found love on this mission but I did find a cute little companion who excretes starship fuel. And that's just as good.


Amy: Is it possible to get everyone back to normal using four or more bodies?
Professor: I'm not sure. I'm afraid we need to use... math!