Professor: Then we plunged into a massive worm hole, never to be seen again...
Bender: Yeah we're back!
Hermes: Sweet coincidence of Port Au Prince, we're back at Earth!
Professor: Of course! That was the Panama worm hole, Earth's central channel for shipping.
Dr. Zoidberg: How humorous.
Professor: It's sort of a Comedy Central shipping channel and now we're on it.
Amy: I get it!

Relax friends. Panic jerks!

Zoidberg: I'll have a look, but I remind you, I'm an expert on humans not robots.
Fry: I'm not Bender, I'm Fry.
Zoidberg: Really? I thought you were the robot.
Fry: Nope. Human.
Zoidberg: Alright, alright, spare me your life story.

Zoidberg: Now open your mouth and let's have a look at that brain. No, no, no, no, no, not that mouth!
Fry: I only have one.
Zoidberg: Really?

Now I'm not saying Professor Farnsworth is old, but if you consider his age he's likely to die soon.

Bender: My tummy hurts and I've been having this burning electrical discharge.
Zoidberg: Hmm. Don't worry, you'll be fine. Oh boy. (quietly) I didn't have the heart to tell him: It's fin fungus. He'll be floating upside-down by morning.

Farnsworth: So many loves half-loved, so many inventions half-invented. That damn time machine alone set me back 15 years.
Zoidberg: If only it'd worked, you could go back and not waste your time on it.

Fry: Now just read these cue cards... And action!
Farnsworth: Miss McNeal, I'm afraid I must decline your offer of marriage. For, you see, I'm dying. Cough, then fall over dead.
Zoidberg: My God, he's dead.
Farnsworth checks his pulse

Fry: Now ask her how her day was.
Zoidberg: Why would I wanna know?
Fry: You wouldn't. Ask anyway.
Zoidberg: How was your day?
Edna: Well first I got up and had a piece of toast. Then I brushed my teeth. Then I went to the store to buy some fish. Then...
Zoidberg: Fry, look what you did, she won't shut up.
Fry: That's normal. Just nod your head and say "Uh-huh".

Zoidberg: I'd like a jumbo squidlog please.
Man: We don't sell those.
Zoidberg: All right, all right, let me have one of your young on a roll.
Man: We're out of rolls.
Zoidberg: Fine! Just give me something crawling with parasites.
(The guy hands Zoidberg a hot-dog and he scarfs it down noisily)
Fry: Mmm! At least hot-dogs haven't changed.

Someone used to care about me? Hurray!

Ladies love a decapod with clothes made of cash!

Futurama Quotes

Dear Captain's Diary; I may not have found love on this mission but I did find a cute little companion who excretes starship fuel. And that's just as good.


Amy: Is it possible to get everyone back to normal using four or more bodies?
Professor: I'm not sure. I'm afraid we need to use... math!