If you don't want to be a part of this family, no one is forcing you to stay.

Jenny: I wouldn't have had to do it if it weren't for your smear campaign against me.
Eric: Which you totally deserved.
Jenny: Truce?

Jenny: So, what, you hate me, but you've been pretending to be my friend the whole time?
Eric: That's pretty much it, yeah.

Jenny: Apparently you sabotaged me at Cotillion.
Eric: Excuse me?
Jenny: What? You don't have anything to say to me?
Eric: Your sweet potatoes are bland.

Sorry Rufus, but you can't really blame her. Our Thanksgivings usually end with french fries in a diner and someone being in a mental institution.

Don't worry. The next time we take Jenny down it will be for real.

Eric: I promise, I'll never speak to her again ...
Jonathan: It's not about Jenny. It's about who you've become. I liked you because you were different from everyone else. You were smart, and you didn't need to prove anything to anyone. But now? I'm sorry, Eric, but it's over.

Eric: Let it go, Jenny! It's over!
Jenny: That's what Blair thinks.

Blair: She can't get away with this.
Eric: She won't.

Eric: It helps if you count out loud.
Jenny: Eric you don't have to be nice to me. I've been so awful to you and Jonathan.
Eric: True. But I'm a better person than you.
Jenny: Also true.

Jenny: Everyone gets egged on Halloween.
Eric: You didn't.

Jenny: You know I have to act this way about school stuff. I'm still your friend. I'm still your sister. I just can't let the worlds get confused.
Eric: I'm not confused. I want nothing to do with you in either world.

Gossip Girl Quotes

Even Blair Waldorf can not bend DNA to her will.


Hazel: Do you know what you're doing, Little J?
Jenny: I'm not Little J anymore.