Ray: It's a Subaru - fully automatic.
George: What's a Subaru?

Jonathan: Sorry, George, what's up?
George: What if I do this and I don't come back?
Jonathan: What do you mean?
George: Tha-- that I turn completely gay.
Jonathan: Well, then it was meant to be.
George: (sighs) You know what, you're absolutely right!

Jonathan: Your therapist sounds crazy!
George: I know, I know, but most therapists are. That's what gives them insight.

(to George) If you want to open your mind... don't think in terms of male and female. I mean, it's binary. It's-- it's boring. How about no definition?


It's all organic game — rabbits that have been shot naturally in the woods, that sort of thing.

Are we too stoned? My feet feel really interesting in my shoes.

George: Brooklyn's exciting! It's the new Manhattan. I may have to move to Brooklyn.
Jonathan: If Brooklyn's the new Manhattan, what's Manhattan?
George: Manhattan's the new Queens. And Queens is the new... Brooklyn. And Brooklyn is the--

Lately, I've been going nuts over women's arms. Actually, the arm... pit. I just love it. It's this... other secret place to burrow into. But you don't have to slide far down the bed to get to it. Maybe it's laziness, I don't-- I don't know.

It really disturbs me that Pricilla loved me once and now loves him (referring to her current husband) - I only wonder what that means...

I'm very oral nowadays. I feel like I'm... half-man, half-infant.

Jonathan: Why was [Priscilla] your best wife?
George: Everything with her is as intimate as kissing. I never really got over it. Most orgasmic woman I've ever been with.

Jonathan: God, that's the biggest herpes blister I've ever seen in my life.
George: Thank you. I'm very proud of it.

Bored to Death Quotes

Men face reality. Women don't. That why men need to drink.


I've always been intrigued by Stockholm Syndrome. Make me think of my childhood.
