Jenny: People change, Chuck.
Chuck: Not you. Not about this. Jenny Humphrey, who used to sit in Brooklyn and look at the lights across the water. Who went toe-to-toe with Blair Waldorf and actually won her respect. You can't tell me that girl still isn't there. Now that the dream is real, you owe it to her to live it.
Jenny: Blair doesn't want me to be queen.
Chuck: Maybe we can make her reconsider.

There is no more hierarchy. The steps of the MET will no longer be restricted to a certain crowd. No more Nairtinis, no more headbands ... This is a new era! Let freedom reign!
[applause, followed by girls texting]

Jenny: Eric, Constance is gonna be so great now! No more hierarchy, no more mean girls. They won't copy how the queen dresses. It's going to be a new era of sunlight and fairness.
Eric: I don't think that's what Blair had in mind when she picked you as her successor.
Jenny: Too bad! Hey, when does Jonathan get back from his fencing camp in Torino?
Eric: Not 'til next month. [sees girls dressed like J] Oh, that's disturbing.

Jenny: Can we agree not to say the word steps anymore?
Eric: I would like nothing better.

Jenny: You know I have to act this way about school stuff. I'm still your friend. I'm still your sister. I just can't let the worlds get confused.
Eric: I'm not confused. I want nothing to do with you in either world.

Jenny: Everyone gets egged on Halloween.
Eric: You didn't.

Have I not impressed upon you how important tomorrow night is? It's my debut in society. I have to be perfect, and that means having the perfect escort.

Eric: It helps if you count out loud.
Jenny: Eric you don't have to be nice to me. I've been so awful to you and Jonathan.
Eric: True. But I'm a better person than you.
Jenny: Also true.

Jenny: I had a plan and I should have stuck to it. I'm going to Cotillion with Graham Collins.
Blair: I'll allow it. Sorry Eric.
Jenny: Actually Blair, since I'm queen of Constance and Graham Collins is my escort, I don't think I need you as my escort anymore.
Blair: Jenny, you're lucky to have me. Don't push it.
Jenny: Your era's over. And so is that headband.

Goodbye, Jenny from Brooklyn.

Eric: Let it go, Jenny! It's over!
Jenny: That's what Blair thinks.

Jenny: Thanks again for saving me. You know how these girls are.
Nate: I'm glad it worked out.
Blair: Nate. I didn't see that one coming.
Jenny: Well, I learned from the best.
Blair: Good answer.

Gossip Girl Quotes

Even Blair Waldorf can not bend DNA to her will.


Hazel: Do you know what you're doing, Little J?
Jenny: I'm not Little J anymore.