[to Keira] You know you really put yourself on the radar tonight. Better not make that mistake again or you'll pay for real.

Don't worry, Dad. I'm over Upper East Side guys. I'm looking to expand my horizons.

Don't look now, but those are the JV mean girls.

Chuck: Be careful, Jennifer Humphrey. If you come down the rabbit hole, it's going to take more than Blair Waldorf and your army of minions to drag you back out.
Jenny: So what, you're going to walk me to my room and make sure I don't get in any trouble?
Chuck: Try not to run into any Euro dealers in the kitchen.

He gave six girls from Nightingale gonorrhea of the throat last year.

Jenny: Apparently you sabotaged me at Cotillion.
Eric: Excuse me?
Jenny: What? You don't have anything to say to me?
Eric: Your sweet potatoes are bland.

Jenny: So, what, you hate me, but you've been pretending to be my friend the whole time?
Eric: That's pretty much it, yeah.

You know I have first dibs on designer everything.

Jenny: I wouldn't have had to do it if it weren't for your smear campaign against me.
Eric: Which you totally deserved.
Jenny: Truce?

If we wanted to have sex, we'd just go to a hotel.

You've come to my rescue enough times, let me help you for once.

Okay, I don't know what Dan said, but why would you take romantic advice from a guy who has a Cabbage Patch doll?

Gossip Girl Quotes

Even Blair Waldorf can not bend DNA to her will.


Hazel: Do you know what you're doing, Little J?
Jenny: I'm not Little J anymore.