Alicia, you're a good lawyer, but you're always waiting for people to give you things.

Kalinda: How long until this competition between you and Cary is over?
Alicia: A month... and eight days.

When you pick up a gun, you shoot to kill. Or you don't pick up a gun at all.

Alicia: I wanted his problems out of the office. What does that say about me?
Kalinda: It says you're becoming a lawyer.

I always liked you.

Diane: I... don't know. Should I be looking for something else?
Kalinda: Well, that's like asking the dentist whether you should brush.

Kalinda: You can't ask me and I can't tell you but don't conclude from what I'm saying it's what you think.
Alicia: Okay. Can you be any more specific?

Kalinda: You oughta try it some time.
Alicia: Flipping someone off?
Kalinda: It's good for your soul.

Carey: Reminds me of my old high school.
Kalinda: Reminds of of the schools I used to vandalize.

The more you bond with these clients, the less helpful you are.

Good Wife Quotes

Cary: How are things in the bar attorney trenches?
Alicia: Same as there only without the fees, resources or muffins.

There is a mutiny brewing below deck and we are going to start losing good, young associates because of him.
