Gibbs: He's all alone, Duck.
Ducky: Yes well death will have that effect.
Gibbs: I'm not talking about him. I'm talking about Director Vance.
Ducky: He needs time, Jethro. You know that better than anyone.
Gibbs: The hardest part is after.
Ducky: And you worry he may get stuck there, in the after.
Gibbs: I worry he'll get stuck, period.

Vance: You mind some company? I have an hour left with the babysitter.
Gibbs: Yeah? Where'd you go?
Vance: Supposedly group bereavement counseling. Couldn't do it. So, I'm consoling myself with some double chocolate brownies. Would you care to join me? I hate to eat alone.

Gibbs: You volunteering for that, are you DiNozzo?
Tony: Stripper. Caribbean beach. Is that a trick question?
Gibbs: Behave yourself, Skippy.
Tony: Aye, aye sir.

Tony: You know, I've been thinking about getting a dog.
Gibbs: He's not a dog. He's a Marine.

McGee: Boss do you think I made the right decision with my father?
Gibbs: To be the bigger man? Maybe it's time he learned from you, McGee.

Admiral McGee: My relationship with my son is none of your damned business.
Gibbs: You make him think he's nothing. You're the one with nothing.

Admiral McGee: Get me off the ship.
Gibbs: Can't.
Admiral McGee: Sure you can.
McGee: No dad, he can't. Man died here today. Until we've figured out what happened this whole crew's on lockdown.
Admiral McGee: Understandable but I have some place to be.
McGee: Been hearing that one my whole life.
Admiral McGee: Good to see you too son.

McGee: Boss I'm sorry. I know. I know. I'm an hour and forty six minutes late.
Tony: Forty-seven Tim Tebow. Better put a knee down. Start praying.
Gibbs: Let's go, McGee. Sick bay. Come on.
Tony: I love it when he's late.

Gibbs: Where's McGee?
Tony: Overslept.
Ziva: doctor's visit.
Gibbs: Uh huh.

Ziva : I would like your permission to travel to Europe to find Bodnar. I have been trying to locate him with the help of McGee and various contacts.
Gibbs: I know.
Ziva: You have known all this time? Then why did...
Gibbs: You needed to be ready to tell me. He's in Rome.
Ziva: That's what I thought too.
Gibbs: What are you waiting for? Take DiNozzo. Go.

Vance: Homeland's called twice.
Gibbs: Ziva.
Vance: Yeah. Word is she's been sniffing around. I've got a pretty good idea why.
Gibbs: Well she's not the only one. You're looking around too.
Vance: No, not yet, but if and when I do you'll be the first to know.

Gibbs: (as he and Quinn look at the Vietnam Memorial Wall) No matter how many times I come here, it still gets to me. You look at a name, and you have to look at a reflection of yourself. You are among the fallen.
Quinn: Yeah. Difference is, you can leave. The names don't.

NCIS Quotes

Bishop: Seriously? How'd you get that?
Tony: Well, it's like Gorillas in the Midst. You'll get to understand his grunts.

Torres: When I break out the glass, maybe I can rip out the bars.
Bishop: With what? Your superhuman strength?