I'm positive that NCIS is being set up. Sending you out here was not about Lieutenant McBride. It was about separating you from your team.


Parsons: I'll get to the bottom of this.
Morrow: There's a line in the sand, Parsons. Don't cross it.

At least tell me, what is so important that one assignment can trump a career of rule-breaking?


SecNav Porter: Agent Gibbs, with your reputation, I expected Parsa to be disposed of long before now. So, do tell me, please: what sort of help am I not providing?
Gibbs: Influence.

Gibbs: Can you beam this up to McGee?
Abby: Well I can't beam it Captain Kirk, but I can send it up, sure.
Gibbs: Captain who?

Gibbs: Look don't be a dumbass. You keep Agent Fornell in your hip pocket or you're a dead man.
Mendez: For freedom? I'd hardly be the first to die. But very well.

Vance: Hang on. Agent McGee isn't going anywhere.
Eugene: Director.
Vance: Agent McGee and the rest of his team's presence has just been requested at the White House. His clever strategy just saved countless lives and a multi-billion dollar weapons system.
Gibbs: Yeah we'll get back to you on that, Eugene.

Vance: What's his ultimate target?
Gibbs: I don't know.
Vance: I've got to notify Homeland, FBI and the ATF.

Franks: Have you lost all shred of human decency? This is not a game! This is life or death to these women.
Gibbs: You don't know that.
Franks: The hell I don't! These girls are in danger, even in the shelters! And when the U.S. finishes its military pullout, it's game over for them. Look at them. Look at their faces.
Gibbs: I'm a federal agent, and I cannot lend material support to a human smuggling operation.
Franks: When did you start caring about the rules?
Gibbs: My rules!
Franks: Yeah? Which ones?
Gibbs: Rule 10: Never get personally involved on a case. Rule 14: bend the line, don't break it. Human smuggling breaks it.
Franks: You already got involved once. Or don't you remember how Layla and Amira got here?
Gibbs: How do you choose, Mike? Huh? Who do you pick? You can start it, but how do you stop it? You're not God.
Franks: He's sitting this one out.
Gibbs: I can't do it. Can't do it.

Gibbs: What's going on? Why the fake i.d.?
Franks: About a year ago, some former - let's say associates - come up to me because they had a 12-year old Afghan girl who they were helping smuggle into the U.S.
Gibbs: Okay, stop. I can't hear any more of that.
Franks: You need to. This girl had been raped repeatedly by her uncle. When she finally went to the police, they arrested her.
Gibbs: For what?
Franks: For being outside without a male escort. Without her uncle, for Pete's sake. I was just supposed to help with the one, but when I met the kid.....this sweet innocent child...it ain't something you let go. So I hooked up with this group that runs women's shelters in Kabul. I kind of run their underground railroad. You know - helping them relocate their hard cases.

Gibbs: Where are your parents? Your mother? Father?
Elina: Sold me to man.
Gibbs: What man?
Elina: Husband. Old. Like you.

Gibbs: (as he and Quinn look at the Vietnam Memorial Wall) No matter how many times I come here, it still gets to me. You look at a name, and you have to look at a reflection of yourself. You are among the fallen.
Quinn: Yeah. Difference is, you can leave. The names don't.

NCIS Quotes

Bishop: Seriously? How'd you get that?
Tony: Well, it's like Gorillas in the Midst. You'll get to understand his grunts.

Torres: When I break out the glass, maybe I can rip out the bars.
Bishop: With what? Your superhuman strength?