Michael: Ann's here?
George Michael: Yeah, I invited her. You said you wanted to spend some time with her. You said I was being an Ann-Hog.
Michael: Ann-Hog's coming?

George Michael: Way to plant, Ann.
Michael: George Michael, why don't you and Plant just wait in the stair-car?

She sometimes takes a little pack of mayonnaise and she'll squirt it in her mouth all over. And then she'll take an egg and kind of...mmmm! She calls it a 'mayon-egg.' Are you okay?

George Michael

Lucille: (regarding Oscar) You're building a house. I want you to give it to him.
Michael: It's not a real house.
Lucille: Perfect, he's not a real man.

Michael: You know I didn't set you up, ok? I really think the only reason you and I always fight is that since we were little kids, Dad's always played us off each other.
Gob: Dad always said that was your fault.

Michael: (to Gob) Get rid of the Seaward.
Lucille: I'll leave when I'm good and ready.

Lucille: It's not fair to Buster. He's a nervous wreck right now. He's going into the Army, for God's sake.
Michael: You volunteered him.
Lucille: I knew you were going to throw that in my face.

Gob: So, what brings you here, Michael? I hope it's not for a handout. I run a pretty tight ship around here.
Michael: With a pool table?
Gob: It's a gaming ship.

Narrator: Michael now had the distasteful choice of asking his mother for money or going to jail.
Michael: Maybe Buster killed her already.

Michael: Mom, you're always asking me to help you look after Buster? You can find somebody else. I hope she doesn't kill you.
Buster: I'll kill her first!

Lindsay: What was the last thing he said?
(Flashback to Tobias, covered in blue paint)
Tobias: I just blue myself.
Michael: He ... Said some beautiful things.

Michael: Well, I better get over there before he brings the whole company down.
Lindsay: It's only been three hours. How much damage could he really do?
Narrator: In three hours, Gob had done $45,000 in damage.

Arrested Development Quotes

I don't want no part of yo' tired ass country club, ya freak bitch!

Franklin (Buster)

George Michael: Is that a screenplay? Warden Gentles' screenplay?
Maeby: That's what you're going to tell me.