Are you forgetting the time when you tried to make fanny packs in Beverly Hills a felony offense?

If you need a ride, you can get one from the Los Angeles Police Department as they will be here in about two minutes!

You're just a street punk with a spray can.


Whoever did this could be an amazing artist.

Gallery owner [upon seeing wrecked gallery]

S'up bitch?

Carla [to Naomi]

I'll throw you more business than a prostitute has on New Year's Eve.

Mitchell Nash [to Naomi]

Believe me, if we'd hooked up you'd remember.

Try Liam...he's a semi-celeb.

Naomi: Do I look drunk in this picture or like I'm throwing a fabulous party for a client?
Annie: Since your earrings are made of potato chips, I'm going to go with drunk.

The girlfriend steps in, I step out.


A Naomi Clark party is not to be missed.

And now you can go back to your double Ds!


I saw him kissing that barefoot surfer chick. Apparently, he likes the smell of BO.


Join The Blaze! We may not be popular, but we've got heart.
