Well, I've already been to prison myself, so I guess I'm pre-inoculated.

Glenn Childs: Peter, you know your mistake-- never show your opponent your weak flank.
Peter: Well, we both have weak flanks; and the person that leaked your depo was trying to weaken us both.
Glenn Childs: Your mysterious third candidate?
Peter: Presiding Judge Adler.
Glenn Childs: That might prove a bit difficult.
Peter: Not after she retires. Now, when I was in office, I investigated her for judicial bribes.
Glenn Childs: So use it, Peter. Why do you need me?
Peter: Well, my guess is that you have more.

You know the one thing I hate more than a backroom deal, Eli, is a failed backroom deal.

I love you. Please, don't leave me.

Peter, I can tell you quite definitively Alicia's not going to talk to... Will is dead.


Peter: Am I not supposed to be jealous?
Alicia: I don't think I care what you are.

I want to be a great [state's attorney] and I can't be without you.

Peter: Eli, what's going on.
Eli: You have to greet the press.
Peter: No, you need to tell me what's going on right now.
Eli: If I tell you what's going on you won't want to greet the press.

Peter: My career will be over.
Alicia: I think it's over anyways, isn't it?

All I know is that I love you. Say yes.

Alicia: Hey. You promise me that you will never put me through the same thing again.
Peter: Alicia, I promise.
Alicia: Then, yes, I would love to renew our vows.
Peter: Let's do it then.

Peter: She's right you know, we need a new chief of staff.
Eli: She's not right, she's anal.
Peter: Well, anal's what we need right now. Did I just say that?
Eli: Yes. Our new state motto.

Good Wife Quotes

Cary: How are things in the bar attorney trenches?
Alicia: Same as there only without the fees, resources or muffins.

There is a mutiny brewing below deck and we are going to start losing good, young associates because of him.
