Peter: Well try this on for size. You don't want me for an enemy, and you certainly don't want me and Alicia together.
Will: Okay. Good to know. I'm hanging up. I have a business to run.
Peter: Good luck with that.

I so deeply respect you.

Alicia: Oh dear God. Would everyone just stop thinking I'm falling apart at the frickin' seams?
Peter: Everyone? When did I become everyone?

Peter: Alicia, the way you're handling this Will thing...
Alicia: I'm doing my best.
Peter: Oh well, if this your best then I think we need to talk.

Peter: I'm not going to let you throw away this marriage because you have some idealized notion of a marriage that you're not even sure cared about you!
Alicia: You're a bastard!
Peter: And you're a selfish bitch! But you know what? We're all that we have.
Alicia: No. Not anymore. Don't worry, I'm not going to divorce you. You're too valuable to me professionally, just like I am to you. But we're not going to see each other anymore.

"Documents don't go away. Your signature doesn't go away."

I'm the Governor and you are asking me for a favor. You want something. That's a favor.

So you don't personally think I'm a racist but saw political advantage in calling me a racist.

Peter: You have to control the narrative.
Alicia: To keep me from looking like the slutty wife?

You're like an 18-year-old. Everything's about where you can stick it.


This is a press witch hunt. They like building people up so they can knock them down. Now it's Alicia's turn.

Freedom. The best thing to happen to anyone.

Good Wife Quotes

Cary: How are things in the bar attorney trenches?
Alicia: Same as there only without the fees, resources or muffins.

There is a mutiny brewing below deck and we are going to start losing good, young associates because of him.
