Scott: Vanessa, I lied to you because I had to.
Vanessa: That's not good enough.
Scott: My name's not Adler, it's Rossin. I'm Rufus and Lily's son.
Gossip Girl: I hope everyone's policies are paid up, because it looks like we're on a collision course.

Blair: Let's make it clear from the start. We don't know each other here.
Dan: [pauses] Works for me.
Vanessa: Me too.

Vanessa: [on Dan's wallet] What is this? Oh, it's where you keep your ... hundred dollar bills.
Dan: Do you know how hard it is to break one of those things? I don't know why they even make them.

Even Frodo eventually gave in to the power of the Ring.

[on the polo match] I'm sure Blair and Chuck will be there, if the murder-suicide I've predicted hasn't happened yet.

Dan: Please, please, give me a break with the rich-people-suck thing.
Vanessa: I don't care if you're rich - which you are, by the way - but if you're going to live in that world, be yourself in that world.

Vanessa: [kisses Scott] I think we've done enough talking for one night. And I thought one of us should finally make the first move.
Scott: I'm glad you did.

[still playing 'I Never'] I never slept with Chuck Bass twice. [drinks faster]

[playing 'I Never'] I never slept with Chuck Bass. [drinks]

Chuck: I came up with several excellent ideas. You just shot them down.
Vanessa: Yeah, because most of them involved leaking the Chuck-Vanessa sex tape on the Internet.
Chuck: We don't have to leak the tape if you don't want to.

[to Nate, about Chuck] We're not a couple, it's just physical.

I came to you because I wanted to do something besides feel sorry for myself, but all it's been has been sleazy platitudes and you staring at my boobs.

Gossip Girl Quotes

Even Blair Waldorf can not bend DNA to her will.


Hazel: Do you know what you're doing, Little J?
Jenny: I'm not Little J anymore.