I would point to Sunday Night Football which features many black players and coaches.


Just a pageant? That's like say a guy is cool 'cause he has just a speedboat.


What if we have to stay over night, and there aren't enough rooms, and we have to share a room, and I forgot to bring a shirt to sleep in, and the stores are all closed...

Jonathan [to Jack]

Hey, will you ask Congress where they put the USA Network. I've been trying to find Monk for like three months.

Liz [to Jack]

I don't get why people like brunch. What's the benefit of combining break dancing and lunch?


Tracy: Why's that baby covered with goop?
Dr. Spaceman: Because everything about this is disgusting.

After I'm gone, your mother might meet someone else. I want her to be happy so his death must appear to be accidental.


She is a orca, Benjamin. And FYI, they're very difficult to keep in a home aquarium.


Centennial is a hundred years, because centipeding means having sex with a hundred women.


You got sauce on me. Ya know, neighbors who wear my exact size don't die every day!


You know, if you wanted to cheat on Carol with an Italian dude who smells like cigarettes, I've made it very clear I'd flip over my futon for you. Not cool!


Tracy: So for me to be there at the birth of my daughter, I have to answer trivia questions despite having gone to middle school in an Exxon station?
Ben Bailey: Yeah.

30 Rock Season 5 Quotes

Jack: My naturally blonde lady love and I basked in the three S's: surf, sun and ...
Liz: Sandwiches?

No Tom Jones, no!

Liz (wakes up)