Jenna: President O'Bama, in your own words, why are you a terrorist that hates America?
Tracy: That's an excellent question...Uh oh, I'm doing something called "breaking" Blahahahaha. Snort. Heehee. Giggle giggle. The audience loves this!

You're the real stars! Not really.


Liz: No breaking. Promise?
Tracy: I promise. I swear on my mother's grape.
Liz: Did you say grave or grape?
Tracy: Yes. Goodbye.

Tracy: It was funnier than the porn version. And the best part is when the actors started cracking up. They laughed so hard they couldn't even finish the skit.
Liz: Uh huh, and you're point is?
Tracy: I would like to do that please.

Kenneth: Oh and the Chilean miners are all out and they're very angry about what you've been saying about them.
Jenna: So I guess they're geniuses for getting stuck in a mine?

Kenneth: A Mr. Brett Fav-ray stopped by and dropped off this picture of a hot dog.
Jenna: Finally.

You'll never be a millionaire! Hahaha. Slumdog Millionaire ref...Blam-o.


Jack: Why are you better looking in your memory?
Liz: My memory had Seinfeld money.

Does it seem weird in here to you? Everything looks like a Mexican soap opera.


You embarrassed me in front of all the other mothers! If you think you're going to Sizzler tonight Jenna, you've got another thing coming!

Jenna [to Kenneth]

I personally love cop shows. I can't wait for Law and Order to start back up...Why? It was a tent pole! A tent pole!


Liz: I don't know if he's mentioned this to you a hundred times, but he went to Harvard.
Jack: So we know he's smart and superb at masturbation.

30 Rock Season 5 Quotes

Jack: My naturally blonde lady love and I basked in the three S's: surf, sun and ...
Liz: Sandwiches?

No Tom Jones, no!

Liz (wakes up)