[to Will] We're destined for something more...intimate.


Will: You're giving me dangerous thoughts.
Countess: All great ideas are deadly.

Alex: Holden?
Holden: Hi, Mommy.

Don't haunt my hallways, bitch.


You don't have to have a resume to be beautiful or talent to be an actor. Just ask Laurence Harvey.


I have long known that you and I were kindred spirits.

Ms. Evers [to John]

Countess: She would never risk losing her one true love.
Tristan: Wait, you're banging her too?

Liz: Control...is an illusion.
John: Tonight I surrender to the illusion.

Aileen: You don't know screwing until you've spent an hour alone with a batshit crazy hooker.
John: I got a room.

Iris: You don't miss a thing do you?
Liz: You see everything when the world doesn't see you.

Oh, honey. Goddesses don't speak in whispers. They scream.

Countess [to Liz]

I questioned my sanity when I first found out. But this house, this house will make you a believer.
