It's ironic, but I never knew how to live until I died.


Ramona: Damn, woman. What's got into you?
Iris: About six pints of O-negative, from the couple of smart alecks in Room 36.

There's no telling what kind of undesirables you might run into in these halls.


Countess: You saved my son.
Alex: You saved mine.

There are answers on the other side of this door.

Sally [to John]

James: Do you know the difference between you and I?
John: Millions?
James: Pain.

Are we ever ready to see ourselves for what we are?


Women age differently than men do. In a man, the left ventricle, the one that pumps red blood into the body gets larger, thicker as it gets older. In a woman, it shrinks. I am now more than a century old. My heart must be just a few karats at this point. There is room there for very little, so what still fits inside means more to me than ever. It means everything.

The Countess

A woman can only be pushed so far, and I'm right on the edge.

The Countess

It is a horrible feeling to have a craving that you can never satiate.


People today are obsessed with anything shiny and new. But it's all an illusion. Everything new fades. But forgotten hotels are still good for some things. Drug dealers, May-December indiscretions. And ending it all.


I questioned my sanity when I first found out. But this house, this house will make you a believer.
