Flight Attendant: Sir, can you please find your seat?
Archer: Uh yeah, it's right there. Can you go find some more hurricanes for me?

The mochachino ones are the cutest. And I guess he'd be half gay too. Can you say, "best dancer ever!?"


Did you watch Regis this morning?

Lana: You're looking for Predator aren't you? A, he's invisible.
Archer: Not totally, he has a tall tell shimmer.

Cheryl: You can't control a person's heart.
Krieger: You can with a little something I like to call a deep cycle marine battery... or LSD.

Oh, rocket launchers. My car is slowing down for no apparent reason. Just must be out of... carburetor


Archer: Ha ha ha, Ramon.
Ramon: And just why is that so funny.
Archer: Not that. Woodhouse, he's all tied up somewhere. Scared and alone. Ha ha ha, probably dehydrated.

Shoot him Cyril! But just him. I think the twins are warming up to me. Right? Am I getting some signals?

So you just listen to me, Mr Man. Get me some video footage of hot man on man action by tonight, or don't bother coming home!


Just try to think about something else like there's no sink in there.


Lana: A non-circumcised Jewish guy, that's not weird to you?
Archer: No. Why would... I mean, I'm not Jewish, and I am circumcised so it can happen the other-
Lana: It doesn't work like that.
Archer: Lana come on. I think we both know it works fine.
Lana: Aw, come on! Not your dick, dumb ass!

Why was I dressed like Hitler?

Archer Quotes

KGB (Crenshaw): This may be old cliche, but... we have ways of making you talk.
Archer: What, your little go-kart battery?
KGB (Crenshaw): Golf cart.
Archer: Whatever. Would you pick an accent and stick with it?

It's like my brain's a tree and you're those little cookie elves.
