Cyril: And I thought, what would Lana do?
Archer: Not Archer?
Cyril: No, I had to outsmart them.

Cheryl: It tastes worse than it smells!
Pam: Man, if I had a nickel for every time I heard a guy say that, i'd have eight nickels!

Lana: You're looking for Predator aren't you? A, he's invisible.
Archer: Not totally, he has a tall tell shimmer.

How about you Ironside, you riding dirty?


Malory: If you were in my tax bracket, you wouldn't be shouting such socialist propaganda.
Archer: Or wearing such shitty clothes.

Ray: You're taking me out of the field?
Malory: Well unless we need someone to go undercover as a shopping cart...

I gotta get back to Earth before the Stargate closes.

Malory: Especially since this one went and got himself paralyzed
Ray: Yeah, that's me, mr. selfish

Archer: New hot tub. 50 jets. Hand hewned California Redwood. No big deal
Burt Reynolds: The California Redwood is endangered.
Archer: So. I already got my tub.

Burt Reynolds: You should get a bat pole.
Archer: Nine thousand bucks.
Burt Reynolds: What?
Archer: Lowest quote I got.
Burt Reynolds: Well that's ridiculous.
Archer: For basically putting a pole where the garbage shoot already is already is. But the co-op board was all like, "where are we going to throw the garbage?"
Burt Reynolds: You can still throw it down the same shaft. And you'll have some garbage to land on.
Archer: If you're coming in hot it's a win win...
Burt Reynolds: And you were going to pay for it. No assessment or anything.

Archer: It's pretty hard to stay anonymous when you're the world's greatest secret agent.
Burt Reynolds: Well calling yourself that can't help.

Random Girl: I have to wait until my friend gets out of the power room.
Archer: Obviously we're going to wait for her, she's the hot one.

Archer Quotes

KGB (Crenshaw): This may be old cliche, but... we have ways of making you talk.
Archer: What, your little go-kart battery?
KGB (Crenshaw): Golf cart.
Archer: Whatever. Would you pick an accent and stick with it?

It's like my brain's a tree and you're those little cookie elves.
