Lance: You've killed before. Tonight I suggest you get back in the habit.
Felicity: He's wrong.
Oliver: He's right.

Roy: You tagged Laurel with a tracer?
Oliver: If she's gonna be reckless, I need to know what she's doing.
Felicity: Well she's definitely doing something. I'm just not exactly sure how reckless it is.

Gee Sara, you could have called before you invited ... seven assassins into our lair.


Lance: What am I going to tell your mother?
Sara: Tell her for the first time in my life I'm deciding my own fate.

God, um, you... You're really sweaty.


Well of course he didn't tell you. Your brother likes his secrets.


Oliver: If we're gonna do this, it has to be about Tommy. I need to be the man he hoped I could be. Now you two have helped me take the first step.
Felicity: So what's step two? I'm game for anything as long as it doesn't involve skydiving, and I'm pretty down on landmines now, too.
Oliver: The city still needs saving, but not by The Hood. Not by some vigilante who's just crossing names off a list. It needs something more.
Diggle: It needs a hero, Oliver.
Felicity: It's too bad The Hoods kind of ruined your nickname.
Oliver: No, it's good. I don't want to be called The Hood anymore.
Diggle: Okay. So what do you want to be called?

Who stays mad at a castaway?


Arrow: This isn't working. I can't get close enough to Slade to hit him with the cure.
Canary: So what do we do?

He lacked the conviction, the strength to pull the trigger, but not you Thea. You are truly my daughter and I could not be more proud.


I don't need you right now. Everyone else does. So go; go save the city.


Ravager: Do you want to save me some time and energy and tell me where I can find Felicity Smoak? I have been aching to put a bullet in her smug little face ever since the day...
Felicity: Oh. I really thought the air bags were gonna go off.

Arrow Quotes

I thought you took that book off your father's dead body. How could he have been so chatty?


She was my sister. I couldn't be angry because she was dead. I couldn't grieve because I was so angry, that's what happens when your sister dies while screwing your boyfriend.
