Wow, costume warehouse having a fire sale I didn't know about?


Laurel: When Zytle hit me with Vertigo, I saw Sara. She was alive and she was calling me a fraud. I was crazy to think that I was fit to wear Sara's jacket, so much as follow in her footsteps.
Felicity: You're right. I hope I'm not out of line here. But, I think Sara wore her mask just as much to hide her demons as she did to help people. I don't see that with you. You have a light inside of you that Sara never had so maybe you should stop trying to be Sara and just be yourself.
Laurel: Thank you.

Even if Sara went into the Pit, even if it worked, who -- what -- came out of the Pit, would not be Sara. Laurel, I am sorry, truly sorry, but of course, my answer is no.


You're just a boy.

Ra's al Ghul

Oliver: There's someone new in town. A woman. She's targeting men who target women.
Roy: I know, I've seen her.
Oliver: Find her, but don't engage. Leave that to me.

Arrow: I'm the vigilante. You're the cop.
Det. Lance: That doesn't mean I have to read the bastard his rights though.

Oliver: Are you OK?
Felicity: I guess. Old lovers have a way of opening old wounds. Lovers. Sounds creepy no matter how you say it.
Oliver: Felicity, I want you to know that whatever experiences you had to go through, I'm glad that you did to shape the person that you are today. And you know how I feel about her.

Roy: You are poison. You put her in Ra's al Ghul's gun sites. You had her kill Sara.
Malcolm: Thea knows nothing about Sara and she never will.
Roy: That's where you're wrong. I know her. She'll get to the truth no matter how good you think you're hiding it and when she does find out you've been lying to her, you're gonna lose her forever. Trust me, I know it from experience.
Malcolm: This is a family matter, Mr. Harper, and you are not family.

What this city needs is somebody who can stand out in the light of day, not lurk around in the shadows. You said you were gonna be different this time, huh? How?


Oliver, you're the last person on earth to lecture someone about lying to the people they love.


Ray: So, you're saying, basically that if I have the surgery now that I could die and if we wait, and the clot moves, that I could die. What if I told you that I invented a bunch of teeny tiny robots, that are capable of entering my bloodstream, traveling to the clot and shrinking it, all without damaging my brain or any other organ in my body?
Doctor: I'd say you need a psych eval.

Donna: Hey! Hey, you want to wave that gun at me, fine, but don't you dare threaten my daughter.
Cooper: Here I thought you were all nails and hair.
Donna: Try single mom who worked 60 hour weeks in six inch heels to raise that genius child you see right there. I may not understand all this cyber whatever, but I know about that gun. You wouldn't last ten seconds against my girl.

Arrow Quotes

I thought you took that book off your father's dead body. How could he have been so chatty?


She was my sister. I couldn't be angry because she was dead. I couldn't grieve because I was so angry, that's what happens when your sister dies while screwing your boyfriend.
