Tamara: Jesus, your mom documented high school like it was the best time of her life.
Jenna: And it was.
Jenna and Tamara: Sad.

No joke, Ben's your mom's Matty.


Ben's tactics were tacky, but so was my mother, so they were working.


I need to get out of here. Emily is so far up my butt I can taste her, and if that isn't craptastic enough I keep seeing Sadie and Ricky. They've been raping each others faces all night.


Gone were the secrets and heartache of my past. I was looking at my future.


Considering that Ally's longest relationship was with nicotine her spontaneous engagement was kinda sketch.


Jenna: It was a supportive eye roll because now you don't have to get a job!
Ally: I know!

Ricky: Hi beautiful.
Tamara: Die.

So I had megaphoned my mission to bang my beau.


What's up suicidal slut? [Sadie shoves a dollar in Jenna's shirt.] Get used to it sex is gonna pay your way through college. You're welcome.


I know what you're doing after school.


Don't worry I won't let her know you're a hobag.


Awkward Quotes

Jenna: This year would be my year. For once I wouldn't be overlooked not with Matty at my... backdoor!
Matty: Oh sorry, I slipped.

For 15 years I fantasized about everyone noticing me as I walked down the hall. What would I be wearing? Would every guy worship me? Would I be five inches taller and have porn tits? No, that was not my reality. My moment in the spotlight sucked some serious ass.
