Lexi: We know exactly what we're walking into: a black-market bazaar thrown by dangerous criminals attended by greedy and unscrupulous people.
Danny: So for you just another Saturday night.

Danny: You break the law, I can't protect you.
Lexi: I've never needed a man to protect me.

You haven't changed. At all.

Lexi [to Danny]

Good old Danny McNamara. Still playing the hero regardless of how many lives he ruins in the process.

Lexi [to Danny]

Jay: Kid, I know how much you love to try and save beautiful, broken things.
Danny: I appreciate your trying to look out for me, but I know what I'm doing.

Danny, there's no one better at tracking blood antiquities than you.

Jay [to Danny]

Danny: You should call the FBI.
Jay: I would if you still worked there.

Shot. Poisoned. Mummied. I'm telling you I'm curse.


Gwen: You're American?
Father Chuck: Is the Pope Catholic? Sorry. Vatican joke.

In the meantime, make sure [Lexi] steers clear of the fountain in the courtyard. I don't want the holy water boiling out.

Father Chuck [to Danny]