After my mom dies, I stopped believing in any of it [religion] and that cleared it right up.

Lexi [to Chuck]

The snack selection was overwhelming.

Lexi [to Father Chuck]

You are so Swedish.

Lexi [to Gwen]

Aiden: The way you're treating me isn't good for team morale.
Fabi: You're not on the team.

Gwen: Do you think Shaw is dumb enough to try to collect his money after Farouk shot him?
Lexi: I think we're good on that front.

Stop! I'm awake, dammit!


Like it or not, this is a treasure hunt.

Danny [to Asim]

Oh, wow! You've been here five minutes and you're already naked.

Father Chuck [to Lexi]

They said that a man came from the sky and asked for me by name. Imagine my disappointment.

Father Chuck [to Danny]

Danny: Have you ever [parachuted] before?
Lexi: No, but I'm pretty sure gravity does most of the work.

Danny: I've got a pretty loud voice in my head that says this is a terrible idea.
Lexi: Oh, you've got to ignore that voice.

Lexi: Just shows you. If you want something done right ...
Danny: Oh? How's that going for you?