Macy: I could use a partner in crime.
Harry: Always. Where are we off to?

Macy, you do yew.


Macy: None of this matters, okay? I have more important things to deal with.
Swan: Well it matters to me. It's our community. It's where we work. And for some of us, it's all we have. We have an opportunity to do something here with Safe Space. If you're not going to carpe diem, then give it to someone who will.

You just gotta do you. Yeah, Macy loves you for you. Windsor knots and all.


Are you sure you want to come along? Even though this site was abandoned centuries ago, there is always some degree of danger, not to mention the reindeer dung.


Macy: I knew this was pointless.
Harry: No, Macy, we'll find another spell.
Macy: It's not about the spell, Harry. I feel robbed not knowing what it's like to love you fully and I'm afraid I'll never get that chance.

Macy: What?
Harry: Well, I love seeing you excited again about science.
Macy: I'm excited about a lot of things, Harry. And if this works, we are taking that trip to Paris.
Harry: Drinking champagne, holding hands by the Seine under the moonlight.
Macy: Just us. No demons, no potions, no clothes.

It's just my luck. I finally get together with the woman of my dreams, only for her to become allergic to me.


Kevin: My entire life, I've fought to be seen. If I let some insecure jock just shame me into the shadows, then what have I been fighting for? Dylan's just going to have to sit in his discomfort because I'm not going anywhere.
Mel: What about your discomfort?
Kevin: Forcing him to see me and get to know me, that's my protest.

Maggie: Hey, where is Mace, by the way?
Harry: She needed a bit of space.
Maggie: Everything okay between you two?
Harry: Yeah, past few months have been...
Maggie: Yeah, I know. Hey, Harry?
Harry: Hmm?
Maggie: I may not be ancient symbol girl, but I did just take a class on intimacy. And sometimes when the physical side of a relationship isn't there, the emotional side can slip away, too. That's, that's what really counts. That's what's worth fighting for.
Harry: You really are going to make a very fine therapist one day, Maggie.

Mel: We did it.
Maggie: Our destiny was our own.
Macy: The greatest sacrifice was our willingness to give our lives for each other.

Harry: I wanted to take you to Paris. You know, I had these plans. We finally found each other.
Macy: Well, maybe we will find each other again. Somewhere.
Harry: Please. Please. Let me go instead of you.
Macy: Harry, it doesn't work that way.
Harry: Damn it, why not? I'm supposed to protect you so that you can fulfill your destiny.
Macy: You have.
Harry: No.
Macy: I was isolated and lonely just like these islands. And then I found you, Harry. And I will find you again. Somehow, somewhere.

Charmed (2018) Season 3 Quotes

Hildegrim: I could guide you there if you like, but you understand my services come at a high price, too.
Harry: Oh, let me guess, one of our souls? Hmm? Perhaps possession of our bodies for a day?
Hildegrim: What? No, weirdo.

Jimmy: Is this the part where bad cop makes an empty threat?
Mel: No, Jimmy. This is the part where you give me the word, or I melt you into a puddle, wipe you up, and throw you into the trash.