Maggie: Jordan, you don't have to come with me.
Jordan: Look, I can say that this is just about me trying to help another witch, break my curse, but that would be a lie. I care about you, Maggie. And your sisters. I don't want anything to happen to you.

At least it's more specific than sandals. What does that even mean? I hate the beach. I don't even wear open toed shoes. Why would I hide the Source there?


Maggie: It worked.
Macy: The Power of Three.
Mel: It's too much power for one person to hold.

Maggie: How did you do it, when you were in Afghanistan? How did you prevent yourself from panicking when there was death everywhere?
Jordan: Don't focus on the future. Just focus on the task in front of you. Breathe. Stay in the moment.
Maggie: Stay in the moment.

Earbugs. Magical headphones. I really should patent these.


Maggie: Mel, someone is gonna die today.
Mel: But you've had visions of the future before, and we've changed it. We've got the Power of Three back. We are going to beat this. And beat them.

Mel: Mags, what's wrong?
Macy: What is all that?
Maggie: Stuff from the pod, where the Faction was keeping Harry. I was, I was just trying to get a vision to see what's coming next.
Mel: And?
Macy: Maggie, what did you see?
Maggie: Someone's gonna die.

Harry: You'll find someone else.
Macy: I don't want someone else.
Harry: Nor do I, but-
Macy: It's complicated. It is Harry. I get it, but we'll muddle through, we'll be fine.
Harry: Not if I make a mistake and you die. I can't live with that.
Macy: Well, dying can't be so terrifying that we just stop living.

  • Permalink: Nor do I.
  • Added:

I'm such a loser I don't even have enemies. Well done, Charmed Ones.


Hildegrim: I could guide you there if you like, but you understand my services come at a high price, too.
Harry: Oh, let me guess, one of our souls? Hmm? Perhaps possession of our bodies for a day?
Hildegrim: What? No, weirdo.

Jimmy: Is this the part where bad cop makes an empty threat?
Mel: No, Jimmy. This is the part where you give me the word, or I melt you into a puddle, wipe you up, and throw you into the trash.

Charmed (2018) Season 3 Quotes

Hildegrim: I could guide you there if you like, but you understand my services come at a high price, too.
Harry: Oh, let me guess, one of our souls? Hmm? Perhaps possession of our bodies for a day?
Hildegrim: What? No, weirdo.

Jimmy: Is this the part where bad cop makes an empty threat?
Mel: No, Jimmy. This is the part where you give me the word, or I melt you into a puddle, wipe you up, and throw you into the trash.